Bill to Study Bringing E-Drivers Licenses to NJ signed into Law

edrivers licenseGov. Chris Christie signed into law legislation to require the state Motor Vehicle Commission to study and make recommendations within one year about implementing electronic driver’s licenses and mobile applications. The bill was sponsored by Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean.

Sen. Tom Kean’s newly enacted law requires the NJMVC to study and make recommendations regarding the implementation of electronic driver’s licenses and mobile applications. (NJMVC)

Senator Kean said that the ideal e-driver’s license program in New Jersey, resulting from this new law, last legislative session’s S-2695, would allow people to still use traditional plastic licenses if they want. He added that it would make one of the most-used government services more efficient and less costly.

“Whenever possible, people should be able to access and use government services and information in a convenient and efficient manner,” Kean said. “People are literally attached to their phones and devices, with many of us opting for mobile forms of payment, banking, credit and flight boarding passes, for example. Today’s action puts New Jersey at the forefront of new technology and innovation in the safest way possible. We will be ahead of the curve and can learn from Iowa, which has implemented an e-driver’s license pilot test, and Delaware, which has been pursuing the implementation of e-driver’s licenses.”

Senator Kean also sponsored last session’s S-2680, signed into law in May, to allow drivers to display electronic proof of automobile insurance.


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