Legislation sponsored by Assembly Democrats Connie Wagner and Craig J. Coughlin allowing certain police officers who have been terminated from retaking the police training course as long as the officers have been employed for five years from the date of their termination was released Thursday by an Assembly committee.
“This bill would make the job hunting process easier for these police officers,” said Wagner (D-Bergen). “Given the current economic times, our police officers should not have to worry about taking a course they have already gone through, in addition to finding a job.”
The bill would exempt police officers who were laid-off for economic or efficiency reasons from retaking the basic police training course, if they are rehired by their former agency or find a job with a new agency within five years from the date their employment was terminated. Under the current Police Training Commission policy, a police officer who has a break in service of more than three years is required to retake the basic training course.
“We all know how tough it can be to secure a job in the current economic climate,” said Coughlin (D-Middlesex). “This will help police officers focus on the job search, without a timeline hanging over their heads.”
The bill was released by the Assembly Law and Public Committee. TLS.
We have enough cops as it is, its just getting them to their jobs thats impossible.