Legislation to remedy problems surrounding overcrowded parking at NJ Transit train stations was advanced today by a Senate transportation panel. The bill, sponsored by Assemblyman Reed Gusciora, would make clear that a vacant permit parking space at train stations operated by NJ Transit is available for general public use during off-peak times.
The bill passed the Assembly in June and was released today by the Senate Transportation Committee.
“In many cases, the NJ Transit lots are largely reserved for permit parking by daily commuters and that’s understandable, but there’s no reason why these spots shouldn’t be open for general public use during nights and weekends,” said Gusciora (D-Mercer). “Often times, the spots reserved for daily use are filled during off-peak times while the permit area is a vast sea of unused parking spots. That’s no way to encourage use of mass transit.”
The bill defines off-peak times as the hours from 5 p.m. to 5 a.m. during the weekdays, and all day on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
“In many cases, during off-peak times non-permit areas are at full capacity while the permit parking areas remain empty,” Gusciora said. “As a result, individuals who do not have parking permits are forced to park in permit-only parking areas and thus, they receive a citation. Let’s face it – that’s unfair. This bill is a simple and commonsense fix.” TLS.
so what happens if your still parked there at 5;01am , and the person with the permit shows up. Will they a ticket or will they get a ticket & towed..?
I have worked on and off for may years at the Lakewood bus terminal, I see more people park in the Transit lot and walk to some where in the town, then I see people park and get on a bus. I think its a great idea. not only that in the Lakewood transit parking lot alone there is a truck parked there from June and has not moved, But since it legally registered there has been nothing done with it. Besides that the Transit parking lots are privet property so they can do what they want to them.
You do realize that they are talking about parking at the TRAIN stations…Lakewood does not have a train station in town..you voted that down years ago ..remember??
There is nothing in the article that says anything about it being just the train station.