1:20 p.m. [PHOTOS updated 5:05 p.m.] The 40 riders who departed yesterday for the 135 mile Bike 4 Chai trip, have just arrived to Camp Simcha TLS has learned. The riders biked 108 miles yesterday to the hotel in which they stayed overnight, and the remainder this morning, most of which was uphill, one of the organizers tells TLS. The bikers raised about $11,000 dollars short of their $200,000 goal, with a total of $189,572.24.
To view the list of riders and donations, click here.
Video of the departure from Lakewood.
Good going boys !! You did a wonderful job !! We’re all so proud of you !! I’m sure it was huge chizzuk for the cholim & their families and the for being mesameach someone cannot be overstated. Tizku L’Mitzvos, Dovid, Eliyah, R’ Skaist & everyone else.
Hazak Ubaruch – Meyer Chemtob!
arrive at camp simcha
keep up ur work sruly t.
Did u get the Sushi I sent?
We are holding more that 191,000.00
Kudos to R’ Dovid Egert who was the pioneer of this project.
Mr dovid egert