Bike 4 Chai Rider At Rest Stop Responds To Commentators

bike4chai rest stop.jpg tlsSubmitted by Pinchas Skaist. I am on the ride and I would like to say thank you and tizku l’mitzvos to all who donated to this worthy cause. Firstly, the clothing we are wearing is not goyish. You can’t ride with anything else. Secondly, can you even bike a mile without taking your tzitzis off?

Thirdly, you can’t raise money learning. Maybe we could have raised 1000 dollars but nothing big. Also, we pack changes of clothing for davening.

Lastly do you know what these kids are going through??? My brother had cancer. Do you know what it’s like? Logistically, there is no other time to do it but the nine days.

And, #3 for your info, b’li ayin hara nobody got a scratch. I am resting at mile 76 and everything is going fine! You can still donate at thank you! Photo credit: Rocky G.

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  1. pinchas i am sooooooooo proud of you!!!

    iv’e seen you practice with your father

    ive seen you daven like a little tzaddik in kol aryeh

    ive seen you in the neighborhood giving your siblings rides

    you are MY hero

    i didnt know you name was pinchas

    but we can all learn from you

    keep on pedaling pinchas




  2. can we please get at least 100 post of encouragement for our hero Pinchas.

    (this kid learns and davens and is a tzaddik )

    lets hear the chizzuk mile for mile!!!

  3. Those who have money should give it to Mosdos Hatorah. Tomchei Torah and Tomchei Shabbos are what is mandated and of concern for the Torah. Anything else is simply learned from the world at large.

    Sometimes children and even adults are not well. It is a Nesoyon for the person and family, granted Hashem chose them for it. By creating and catering and off burdening your Nosoyon on to all is wrong and a financial burden at the expense of what the Torah asks. And as well- you are not absorbing the full brunt of the nesoyon and prolonging it and perhaps even making a Neshoma come down again to go through it.

    Learn Torah and Daven for those in need and Hashem will realign the gezaira against them. Biking does nothing, absolutley nothing for the sick child. And the raising of awarness for the organization is sapping funds and attention from the areas klal Yisroel should be investing.

    Oh- and logically- Chal hamoed or any other time of the year would be fine- yet I suppose those who believe in biking over Torah would not even realize this at all. Does ANY Rabbi give a sanction to this during the 9 days?

  4. bikkur coilim is one of the things which is “ayn lihem shiur”

    its an un arguable point

    lets keep this thread to cheer on a 14 year old who learns and davens geshmak and is raising tzedakka for an orrganazation that helped his family survive a dark period

    how do i know

    i heard his father speak at chai lifeline

    he is a sweet tzaddik

    lets not be a community were every act of kindness needs to be second guessed

  5. #6

    Wow! You had better have really broad shoulders to make such strong statements. Personally,you sound like you should see a phsychiatrist real quick.

    I won’t ask it as a question because I know the answer. You won’t find ANY Rabbi that would echo your words or endorse them.

  6. tls please delete that stupid comment #6 unless chaim can tell us that he has gone through a tragedy and did it without the help of any org.

  7. who i he answering to? I cant believe that people just go around looking to criticize its interesting to see how some people anything they see they look to find problems let the world live

  8. I know that my comment will not be posted and the word moderated will be substituted but YOU ARE AN (moderated).

    Can you imagine if one of those ill children read your comments? You are one of the most insensitive commentators to post on TLS. I don’t care whether or not your comments are correct but your lack of sensitivity makes one sick to the stomach. This is the way you comment during the 9 Days? Is this how you are promoting achdus?

    My G-D I should hope never to meet you in person; I would be locked up for life just for contemplating what I would like to do you…

    I didn’t realize it was actually possible to be below the bottom of the barrel…

  9. To Chaim #6 – I am shocked at your words. Did YOU ask any Rabbi for agreement to YOUR idea of not being nosei b’ol im chaveiro? That any Rabbi would say NOT to contribute to a cause that relieves someone else’s tzaar just a little bit??? And that this is not a Torah mandate??? By the way, just for the official record since you asked (albeit self-assuredly and egotistically assuming NO ONE besides you asks Daas Torah before doing anything) ,YES Daas Torah (a Rabbi as you say) was absolutely consulted and Paskened they can do the ride in the 9 days. I have first hand knowldege of this fact. (By the way, interesting that you comment about what is or is not sanctioned by Rabbis when you are on the internet for obviously not work purposes.)

  10. hey forget #6

    lets cheer our pinchas

    yes us in lakewood

    can cheer a boy who”s family sufferred from the machla

    do we know what it means not to see ones parents for days on end

    while they are at the bedside of a sick son

    do we know the fear of a sibling who may leave this world

    rabboisai these are kids

    kids sufferring

    and he a tzadikkl takes his bain hazmanim
    to use all the sufferring for good

    lets cheer him on!!!!!!!!!!!
    pinchos i will shke your hand when i see you in aryeh!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Please DO NOT delete comment #. It is important that people see how low one can stoop when we let their narrow mindedness go unchecked. I honestly feel terrible for your wife and children. If you are single, PLEASE seek major assistance before even going on your first date. You will need it.

  12. To #6- Chaim and anyone else who may question-
    In case you missed this part of my earlier comment, to repeat, YES Daas Torah was absolutely consulted by Chai Lifeline and Paskened they can do the ride in the 9 days. I have first hand knowldege of this fact.

  13. number 3 ok but have you ever biked 10 miles with your tzitzis on and if you did, how abot 20, 30, 40 etc. with your tzitzis on I doubt you can do 150 wearing tzitzis, my little tzaddik

  14. Chaim the fact that your brain works the way it does is a sad situation. As someone who knows first hand how much Chai Lifeline does, I can only hope that you wrote your comment out of plain ignorance. To quote one of the children who benefits from this holy organization ” I don’t know what I would do without Chai Lifeline”. While these families suffer, and try to lead a life as normal as possible under the circumstances which H-shem has put them in, you just sit back and say that this is not a worthy organization to donate to????????
    I love you because you are a yid, and I really daven that you should never have to come on to any organization (and your comment is proof that B”H you never did come onto them), but I also daven that you brain and way of thinking should also change to a more yashrus way of thinking. I really think that you went overboard with your comment and you should apologize to Pinchos and the whole klal who does, and wants to care for these people in their time of need.
    Hats off to Pinchos and all of the riders. Thank you and tizku l’mitzvos. Have a safe trip

  15. I don’t have time to read all the comments but Chaim you are way off and your way of thinking is very dangerous, mainly to you. With your thinking there should be no Boinei Olam, Toimchei Shabbos or frankly no tzedakah at all for the reasons you give. With regards to not wearing tzitzis there is absolutely no heter to ride so many hours without tzitzis. With tzitzis being a ‘shmira’ I can’t think why anyone would not want to wear his tzitzis, especially riding all those hours you need all the shmira you could get.
    Ride safely. Say hi to Simcha Shain when you get there.

  16. Chaim has never leant a mussar sefer in his life! A person should not live his life selfishly thinking he was created for his self, a person must work his whole life to improve his middos to be good to others-GR”A. Besides, obviously your not aware of the mitzva of Bikur Cholim, a commandment to help and gladden the hearts of the sick. you are selfcentered and obviously self indulged in sin. you have not even been taught the basics of yiddishkeit. Oy leoviv shlimdo torah, oy lerabo shelimdo torah. . .

  17. To Chaim & To the Responders – People, this “Chaim” character is a child. His only goal here is to rile the people and get responses. Perhaps he is a lonely individual who seeks attention elsewhere because he gets zero affection from his family, and lacks friendship. If “Chaim” is indeed an adult, he has never suffered the pain and agony that one goes through when diagnosed with cancer. “Chaim” please choose you words carefully. Do you C’V want God to demonstrate to you how cancer affects a person?

    To Pinchas Skaist – Keep on riding! You are doing something amazing and the world is thankful to have people like you around. I hope you reach your destination uninjured, and successful. B’hatzlacha!

  18. # 27
    Don’t waste money.
    Chaim is too far gone too be curable.

    Also, I think Misaskim should be shut down (acc. to Chaim, our resident nut, and so-called Posek) because their services tend to alleviate many of the discomforts aveilim must endure; thereby making it entirely possible that the relative died for nothing!!!

    When I read # 6, I literally felt like puking! How low one can sink when his learning is not ‘mayvee liday maysa’.

  19. chaim – i hope your OK.

    But your statement shows that you need professional help.

    I also dont like being on the receiving end for Bikur Cholim or Chai Lifeline. But who do you think brings meals to hospitals in Lakwood, Phily or NYC. Who arranges rides. Who helps the family function when a sibiling or parent is chas vshalom sick. Who learns with the kids, Who pays for cleaning help? Who pays for a family member to be at their bedside?

    Why would all the Roshei Yeshivas visit Camp Simcha to greet these special neshamos?

    I was zochei to be involved with Chailifeline/Camp Simcha when it was beign built. My job was to furnish the entire camp including guest rooms, GAME ROOMS, Library to the linen and blankets.

    The details to everything that these children should have a safe and enjoyable time during the few weeks they can escape from their hospital settings. Chai Lifeline was makpid that the pillows be hypoallergenic, the blankets velux, the chemicals for the modern laundromat, the atmosphere…..

    CHAIM GET A LIFE!!!!!!!

  20. Dear Chaim,

    I would assume from your post that you do not believe in doctors or ever take medicine because you would not want to blunt the nesayon that HKBH send people.

    You need special help. Please seek it. We all urge you as a yid and brother to seek help.

  21. I challange anyone who dare question my comment to print it and bring it to their or any Moray Horah who has Torah authority to Paskin (as that is required for Hahkafa Shailos as well) and ask both the charity and Haskafik side of what I posted above.

    I admit it may be a bit too strongly worded, but I stand by what I say.

    I would also like to point out that all this reference my needing “proffesional help” and “therapy” is a complete opposit approach from a Torah Derech. It is so sad that so many are sold on this a believe it so thoroughly.

    Take me up on my challange- you may be shocked to find out just how off base YOU all are that think my understanding is wrong.

  22. Firstly, wearing shorts IS Goyish !! you say its more comfy .ok . I hear you. 1) by frumme yidden ,Tznius comes before comfortability ! 2) How come millions of people can drive around with long pants ? Secondly. Why cant they wear tzitzis & stick ’em into their pants ? Tzitzis is the biggest shmirah for a mentch !!!!!!!!

  23. Hashem is certainly proud of all the bikers!!! It’s a tremendous Mitzvah to rais money for this GREAT cause. G-D bless you all. Tizku L’Mitzvos.

  24. who here wears tzitzis while taking a shower? Fine. Who wears them while swimming? If you ask the tzitzis question, it is obvious you have never cycled long distances.

    Second, who here wears long pants while they swim? Who here commonly wears dress shoes while they run? Enough said. Each job requires specific tools; each activity requires specific clothing.

    Third, please look at the good in things and not the bad. Please think of aahavas yisroel before you think you are a kah’nu’ee like Pinchas Hakohen fighting for halacha and hashem.

  25. it is very possible to wear tzitzis for a good part of the journey, whether at the beginning, middle, (taking pictures..eating,..etc), or at the end.
    while i commend the money these people are raising, and we should not lose focus on that, lets not lose focus on the halacha either.
    and many people are saying a Shailoh was asked on many things – -lets hear the name of the Rav that was asked, and exactly what was answered. why is it a secret? i am curious as well.
    to help things out next year, lets have a Rav involved ALL THE WAY THRU, just like there’s a Rav of a shul, any Rav that the guys or Chai L picks, with all shailos, and then no one will have any quetions or negative comments

  26. First of all, Pinchus – I saw you at the starting line – may Hashem bless you with everything good for the mitzva that you are doing.
    Secondly – there are plenty of ways to be oveid Hashem. If you feel your tafkid is to learn all day – kol hakavod. Not everyone is cut out for it. Not everyone is meant to. Only two shevatim were meant to learn exclusively and be supported by the rest of klal yisroel. There is such a thing as a Zevulun.
    Not everyone is cut out to serve Hashem by biking 150 miles uphill and raising over $500,000 for Chai Lifeline, either.
    Let’s not judge each other for the path on which we walk to reach shelaimus. It kind of misses the point.
    (They davened with hats and jackets and talleisim and tefillin. I saw.)

  27. Even if Chaim is right and MiToras Hilchos Tzedakah it might be better to give to a Talmud Torah or the like, It still doesnt mean that by doing Chesed it can cost money and people are more than happy to donate money for a share in the Mitzva of Chesed, especially something like these highly important Chesed and Refuah organizations.

  28. However by doing Chesed it can cost money and people are more than happy to donate money for a share in the Mitzva of Chesed,


    Wow! The vicious cycle of “moron”ism that “chaim” has created.

    1. How do you know they aren’t wearing tzitzis?
    2. Don’t you know by now that the organization is run by Torah Observant Ehrliche Yidden who ask very prominent rabbonim what they are allowed to do?
    3. As someone who apparently is an oh-so-strict adherent to Halacha, don’t you know it is forbidden to drink intoxicating beverages during the 9 Days?
    4. Ever hear of Dan L’Kaf Zechus (at the very least)?
    5. What on earth are you doing on the Internet, you holier-than-thou, cockamamie, hypocrite!!!

    What is apparent about ‘chaim’ and his minions is that they are the embodiment of – but not limited to – the following: acrimonious, alienated, antagonistic, begrudging, biting, caustic, crabby, divided, embittered, estranged, fierce, freezing, hateful, intense, irreconcilable, morose, rancorous, resentful, sardonic, severe, sore, sour, stinging, sullen, virulent, vitriolic.

    I am going with embittered, sardonic and crabby.

    You have been challenged, ‘chaim”. NOW GET OFF MY PHONE, YOU BIG (moderated)!

  30. PINCHOS IM SOOO PROUD OF YOU! even though im sitting right next to you right now, i still cant believe you did it!!! tizke l’mitzvos!!!

  31. Chaim, who do you think you are, puting down such big things like chai lifeline? its apparent that you yourself are receiving tomchei shabbos if its up there in your top three organizations! its up to hashem who is in poverty and who is not, but it is up to us to give our upmost help to those who are very sick with can**r. i had a nephew who suffered (as a baby) for one year of gehenom! i really hope you seek help quick, because apparently time is running out! ps. congrats pinchos!!!

  32. As one of the hundred who were part of this amazing Kiddush HaShem, so much has to be said, but more has to be not said. I won’t comment on the individual issues brought up, but do want to share a few thoughts.

    As we did, ask shailos every step of the way, Please don’t assume that others haven’t.

    How many of you who complained davened vasikin the last two days? We did! How many of you spent every ounce of energy to help another yid? We did! How many developed close relationships with yidden of all backgrounds and levels of observance? We did! How many brought a smile to the face of a sick child like… we did? How many saw first hand, the suffering of families in our galus (brought on by sinas chinam) like… we did? (And just for the fun of it: How many danced to a live band at lunch today like… we did?)

    I think I speak for all of us when I say that this was the best and most appropriate thing we could imagine doing during the Nine Days. If that is what Camp Simcha’s schedule works out for next year (if we’re C”V not in Yerushalyim) I will bli neder be back, and hope you will join me. You just might change your mind.

  33. If anyone wonders why there is no geulah read all these comments here. Just a few bad apples ruin the entire basket. Nebach on us.

    PS i rally wish I could bike for chai and hope to next year probably not in eretz yisroel.

  34. dude seriously get a life. my father did it and he is a sofer. if he and all the rabbanim found nothing wrong with it than obviously it is totally fine.

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