Biden says there was no Covid vaccine when he got into office

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He’s been in office for a 100 million years! ????
Hashem Yeracheim
He doesn’t even know where his office is. Soon to be occupied by Kamala? He’s like a demented mental patient who thinks he’s the POTUS. PUTSO!
ABC news reports-
Biden talking about life in the White House: “I wake up in the morning and say Jill, where the hell are we?”
Can’t make this stuff up. Our #residentinchief
תעלא בעידניה סגיד ליה
And he has his finger on the button, this should scare everyone
not surprised at all. this guy is the biggest stealer and liar we have ever seen i dont even belive his name is joe.
Trump will forsure win again
מלך טפש למהדרין
Alot of money, covid vaccines ,and ventilators missings. Guest it vanished into thin air? Hmmm if you know, you know!!! lol