BEWARE: NJSP, North Brunswick PD Investigate Theft of Troop Car with weapons and uniforms; Impersonating suspect already committed robberies

The New Jersey State Police and North Brunswick Police Department are cooperatively investigating the theft of an unmarked troop car, which was stolen from a trooper’s residence in North Brunswick and then used during the commission of two robberies and a theft at a gas station.

On Sunday, December 17, a New Jersey State Trooper reported his troop car stolen at approximately 9:39 a.m. when he discovered it missing from his driveway. The troop car contained several uniforms, two issued weapons, and other issued equipment.

Based on the preliminary investigation, detectives determined that the suspect and troop car were involved with three incidents early Sunday morning. At 6:50 a.m., a truck driver reported a robbery to State Police after he was stopped by the suspect using the stolen troop car on the New Jersey Turnpike southbound at milepost 74.7 in South Brunswick. During the interaction, the suspect stole cash from the driver. At 7:19 a.m., the suspect fueled the troop car at a gas station on St. George Avenue in Colonia, N.J. and left without paying. At 7:30 a.m., the suspect stopped a cab at the Woodbridge Center Mall in Woodbridge, N.J. and stole cash from the driver. No weapons were brandished during any of the incidents.

This is an active investigation, and we continue to work cooperatively with North Brunswick Police Department and local law enforcement. There is no further information available at this time.

Anyone concerned or suspicious about the validity of an officer’s identification should call 9-1-1 to report the information and seek confirmation of the officer’s credentials.

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  1. This is pretty scary. Note article says ‘unmarked troop car’. Suspect must have been watching this officer and made off with car when the moment presented itself.

  2. I’m surprised and shocked that the NJSP does not have tracking devices on thier vehicles. I believe LPD has them, as well as many other police departments.

    The purpose isn’t for tracking stolen vehicles – its for officer security, so he can be tracked at any time.

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