The Bernie Sanders presidential campaign will be making its way to Lakewood on Sunday.
The event, at Yussi’s downtown, will give people the opportunity to sign up for a ‘door knocking for Bernie’. Sanders will not be attending.
The campaign released the following information regarding the event:
“You’re invited to join your neighbors and supporters to knock on the doors of supporters and undecided voters. We’ll provide you with a script, a list of voters that you’ll be talking to, and a map of where to go. We’ll also train you to use your time effectively out in the field. You’ll be able to talk to real people about how this country belongs to all of us, not just the billionaire class. Our victory starts with us knocking on doors together.”
Get ready to get some Bernie door knocks.
You’ve got to be kidding me. Who invited this communist to Lakewood. Like we don’t have enough issues.
Very exciting! Uncle (crazy!) Bernie coming to my house! I hope he puts on a yalmuka and I will give him some tzedaka!
Yuk, after his anti Israel comments. I will leave town when he comes
Nice, if only Bernie were coming in! FEEL THE BERN!
What time?
Please don’t knock on my door
go knock in Jackson they waiting for knocks
Can they knock in toms river and Jackson too?
I know all the politicians like to tour the yeshiva and see the botei midroshim but I think in this case the yeshiva should stand on principal and not let this self hating half senile jew make his way into the yeshiva. Besides no one needs him there and with his phalanx of secret service agents assigned to him its going to cause a lot of Bitul Torah…
Wow! What an opportunity for us to make a kiddish hashem. Bernie has a lost heilige neshoma amd hashem is giving us the opportunity to show him the beauty of our holy nation. Let’s all come out and show our love for this lost yiddishe soul. Viahavata lireiach kamocha!!
If its Bernie he has gotto give out free stuff. Do we get afree supper at Yussis?
Let’s make stickers ‘don’t knock for Bernie in my door.’
Let’s see all the neighboring towns protest all the door knocking. Liberal Hypocrites!
I wonder what his Gematria is?
Where does it mention that Bernie is coming, only that the campaign is coming.
Reading comprehension, people. It specifically says sanders will NOT be attending. His CAMPAIGN is coming. HE is not.
I will have a no knock sticker on my door AND……..a Lakewood strong sign on my lawn. I hope that will work!!
I will have a no knock sticker on my door AND……..a Lakewood strong sign on my lawn. I hope that will work!!
The no knock policy does not stop political parties from knocking on doors.
He’s coming to Yussis to interview for behind the counter deli job.
Let’s vote if Yussis should hire him.
I vote yes.
You do know that door knocking is illegal right? if I can not sell stuff door to door neither can this guy
Of course Sanders will not attend. He wouldn’t want to be seen eating Kosher!
I get it. Lakewood is the only town left in Ocean County that still allows people to knock on doors… That’s why they decided to come here…
I can’t wait till my landsmann becomes president. He gonna give me free cell phone .. free tvs …. free cars … and he gonna pay my mortgage … (remember that youtube clip) …
All of the no-knock laws do not stop political and religious campaigns, they only outlaw business activities. I am not sure if the posters here stating otherwise are sarcastic or just ignorant.
They switched the sign up time. Saturday 9am -5pm. Bummer!
just put a pro israel sign outside your door. that should keep sanders people far away…
I’m waiting for Hillary to come to Lakewood. She’ll probably hold an event in the Shell Station?
I’ll have the “Bernie Special”… cold baloney with Chinese cabbage and Russian dressing on a sour-dough baguette with free fries and soda.