Bayom Hashishi, the Kollel from Eretz Yisroel which held an event in Lakewood this Sunday, says there are a few remaining bottles of wine from Hagaon Rav Chaim Kanievski Shlita, which can be gotten for a donation to the Kollel. The wine, (pictured) which was given to all attendees of the event , can be gotten for a donation of $100.
The wine, ‘Yayin HaYeshuos’ – which is said to be a Segulah for Refuah, Parnassah and Bracha V’hatzlacha – will be available on a first-come first-serve basis.
The Kollel is headed by Rav Hertzl Hoder and is strongly endorsed by Hagaon Rav Chaim Kanievski and Hagaon Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman.
To get the wine, you can email [email protected], with your name and phone number. Someone will contact you.
This is not the Litvishe derech and I wonder if Rav Chaim even knows about it – or at least knows what is being said about it.
What age do you have to be to donate ?
Is it Purim today? What is this about?
Can I buy it for a huundred bux iinstead of a donation?
What is the vintage and type?
Better to davan to hashem with kavonoh (which is free) rather than fall for another segullah scam. It’s not good the way so many organisations are selling segullos. What happend to straight teffiloh?
To me its a no brainer, of course one should donate and get a free bottle of wine, like wine ‘ot (why not)…..
Did someone ask R Chaim for a mekor for this segulah?
Maybe someone can write R Chaim?
Noone asked whats better! If someone wants a specific wine who cares? Dont be Mr Musser giver! We know whats better Everyone leave everyone alone as long as theyre not bothering you!!!!!!!!
Does anyone know of any other gedolim in previous generations done this? I am not making fun, just curious to know. Is there a bottle of wine from the Chofetz Chaim? Chazon Ish? or even the Steipler? Do you know where one can get it? Obviously a bottle from the Chofetz Chaim would be tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, but does such a thing exsist? Even in the family??
Supporting Talmidei Chachomim is a great mitzvah. In return someone gets a bottle of wine from the Gadol Hador. What’s the big issue people have with this? If the wine works and helps bring a yeshua, great. if not, then what did you loose? Nothing, you still get the mitzvah of supporting Torah and that is a very great zechus. Sounds like a win win situation to me.
Its just beyond me that everyone is WINEing so much about this.