Batya is Sharing the Light of Torah with hundreds of unaffiliated teenage girls; here’s your chance to take part.

[COMMUNICATED] Every teenager needs a place of belonging; a place where they can be themselves and build up their self-confidence.

Batya is a unique organization that provides that place for hundreds of unaffiliated teenage girls, at the same time, bringing them closer to their Jewish heritage.

Tuesday Night, February 2nd, is your chance to partner with Batya in Sharing the Light by joining their Virtual Gala Event. The program is an intriguing one- centered around The Great Debate: a roundtable discussion of some interesting and relevant issues of the Jewish world today.

Featuring Avi Schnall, Dr. Daniel Roth, R Yitzi Oelbaum and Rabbi Yerachmiel Milstein, as well as Blima Ehrentreu, Ira Zlotowitz, Bracha Zimmer, and Ariel Joseph, this is a debate worth watching!

Topics up for debate include: Conformity vs Individuality, Jumping In vs Slow and Steady, and Flaunting Judaism vs Keeping a Low Profile.

Don’t be the one to hear everyone talking about it only after it’s happened.

Be there!

Be there for a stimulating program that will give you much food for thought.

Be there to support Batya and fuel their soul-saving work.

Be there at 8pm this Tuesday to have your part in spreading the light of Torah with so many of our sisters and daughters.


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  1. I’ve seen the work this organization does – both in person and on video -it’s truly amazing and worthy of all the support. Thank you Batya for doing the work we should all be doing.

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