Baruch Dayan Ha’emes: Ruchama Blima A’H

BARUCH DAYAN HA’EMES: [UPDATED 8:00 PM] It’s with much sadness that we report to you the passing of Ruchama Blima Frost A’H, the 3 year old girl who was struggling for her life for the last 2 weeks after contracting an illness.

UPDATE: The Levaya will be taking place tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM outside the 7th Street Chapel.

The Kevurah will be taking place at 10:30 AM at Chelkas Eitz Chaim, in the Floral Park cemetery in South Brunswick, 104 Deans Rhode Hall, Monmouth Junction, NJ.


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  1. If anyone goes for a shivah call, PLEASE resist the urge to make a comment that you think will be helpful. No one wants to hear that when they are grieving the loss of a child. All you have to do it show up and sit there, no words are needed.

  2. I am not related or involved at all and was just mekabul on myself something small because of this tradegy…. small kabulas times a few thousand equals A LOT OF ZECHUZIM.
    The family should have only gezunt and nachas.

  3. B.D.E. Talk is cheap. Empty words have no value in either world. Maybe Lakewood as a community can make one of many Kaballos ;
    1) Turn off all cell phones before entering a Shul to daven (no heter)
    2) Say good Shabbos to the next person that you pass in the street (with a smile)
    3) Come to a complete stop at all stop signs (no exceptions)
    4) Stop talking in Shul when you are finished davening (before others)
    Do anyone of these in the name of this little girl and her grieving family and the world will be a better place

  4. Raboisai,
    I ‘m sure you all know this already, this is not just a loss for her family, a such a young neshama is a loss and a korban for all of us. Oy lonu ki chotonu. Nachposo derochainu. Lets start with tsorus ayin, not fargining someone else.. and the list goes on… we’re on the whole good people, but we can do better, much better. BD”E.

  5. Wow what a loss, as a father I don’t know what I would do with myself if I was in your shoes. May g_d give you only blessings, consolidation,and happiness. If anyone knows where the family is mourning so we can pay our respect.

  6. My heart goes out to your family. May Hashem give you the strength to carry on and may your pure Ruchama Blima be a meilitz yosher for the whole family and for all of klal Yisroel.

  7. Tto all the YENTAS: What diff. does it make what illness she succumed to?! Take your own mussar haskel & do something possitive about it! Thats what the Ribono Shel Oilom wants from us & thats all thats important for you to know about the story.

  8. Some may be yentas but others may want to take physical precautions – and if the symptoms that were possibly overlooked originally can be made public – others may be able to protect their own at the first signs of illness C”V.

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