BARUCH DAYAN HA’EMES: We regret to inform you of the passing of Reb Abba Dunner, the Executive Director of the Conference of European Rabbonim who was Niftar this afternoon in London following a short illness. R’ Dunner is the father of R’ Zev Dunner of Lakewood, and Y’bl, R’ Bentzion Dunner who was tragically killed two years ago in England.
He was approximately 70 years old.
R’ Dunner Z’L was in Lakewood just 3 months ago.
Levaya details will be posted when available.
Such a wonderful person. Ribono Shel olam what is happening to us??
I saw him at work with a teen at risk while here. Such a special caring person. Someone you could REALLY talk to and be understood. Oy . We have lost so much and now Rabbi Dunner ZTL to? ! I don’t know what to say i am soo upset. Please tatty Enough already. Forgive us we have all erred. Please please have rachmonus on your kinder we are falling apart already. Turn from your rath please…we beg you
R’ Aba Dunner z”l was a special person! I met him just over 2 years ago when my daughter married mishpacha of his. His warmth, both in his smile and words, made him an instant friend. It was always a pleasure to meet him. He spoke at the Minyan Shelanu Tisha B’av Kinus gathering the last 2 years and was involved in visiting and helping the boys in Japan. Just 4 months ago, R’ Aba gave a moving address at a mass atzeres tefillah held in Bais Faiga to benefit the boys in Japan. His involvement in the preservation of Jewish cemetaries, kosher shechita, and in the building of mikvaos in Europe was legendary. May Hashem send the entire family a nechama.
Baruch Dayan Emes! What another great loss to Klal Yisroel!
Anyone who heard him on his last visit in lakewood on behalf of the Bochurim in Japan, saw what a true caring Askan he was – Chaval Al Deavdin…
We also heard his testimony on Koach HaTefillah when he recounted his personal struggle with his first illness.
I happened to meet him the next day and asked him what he felt is the core issue Klal Yisroel is facing in our generation. He said that it’s a lack of Emunah and Bitochon…When a person has full Bitochon, he understands that nothing is impossible in the hands of Hakodosh Boruch Hu and everything he does his for the good!
Anshei Emunah Avodu…Yehi Zichro Boruch.
Boruch Dayan HaEmes
BDE what a loss for the Klal such a wonderful person and a wonderful family.
what a loss for klal yisroel. What an askan. We don’t have such people like this in this world anymore. We need a kapora to stop all of the tzaros in the klal. May he be melitz yosher and continue his askonus in the bais medresh shel malaha