UPDATED: [LEVAYA IN RIVERDALE] We regret to inform you of the Petira of Harav Eizik Ausband Zatzal, the Rosh Yeshiva of the Telshe-Cleveland Yeshivah, who was Niftar this evening. The Rosh Yeshivah is the father-in-law of Reb Eliyahu Burzstyn of the Lakewood Mesivta, and the father of Rebbetzin Leah Burzstyn, the Menaheles of Bais Tova.
The Levaya will be held at 10PM this evening at the Yeshivah in Cleveland.
UPDATE: There will be a hookup for the Levaya via phone, by calling 218-548-7388. Enter pin # 28400
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
UPDATE: There will be a Levaya at the Riverdale Yeshivah as well, which will take place at 11AM.
Bdh! Mrs. Bursztyn is the most amazing menaheles ever!! Im so so so so sorry to here.
does anyone know anything about a levaya in NY-NJ
oah vay
rebbe i will miss you so much
you taught me the proper way to live like a erlicher yid
any levaya near here?
Baruch Dayan HaEmes What a tragedy we caused cause we cant get our act together & do teshuva
WHAT ARE WE ALL WAITING FOR? has klal yisroel gotten the message from Hashem-waiting for us to start doing teshuva-have YOU done anything yet? how many more tragedies & Tzaddikim will it take C”V before we wake up & start doing teshuva? OVER 80 GEDOLEI HADOR have passed away within the past year R”L. HOW MANY MORE DO WE NEED TO LOSE C”V to let hashem know that we get the message for klal yisroel to start doing teshuva ASAP?
BDE. Why are so many Gedolim leaving us in such a short time?
may years ago when Reb eizak was still well i spent TIME VISITING HIM he told me that when was in paris after the war who would hAVE DREAMT TO HAVE A SON IN LAW IN AMERICA LIKE REB ELI BURSTYN AND STARTED TO CRY YZB
How old was he?
Is there a hookup from Riverdale ?
he was older, like mid-90s. Saiva tova.
and to “yaakov” aren’t we up to 100 yet? you seem stuck on 80. but still you are counting. Don’t you know that counting brings ayin ha’ra. Do teshuva and stop counting our gedolim. Who knows what (or who) could be responsible for them passing on?
Aside from Rav Eli Bursztyn, Rav Eizik has another choshuva eidim in Lakewood, Rav Binyomin Shapiro, son of Rav Sholom Shapiro, the Mashgiach of the Telz Yeshiva in Cleveland.
to # 6
you ask the famous question
it is supposed to be a wake-up call from Hashem for klal yisroel to start doing teshuva ASAP
i.e. when something happens to a person privately it is a message from Hashem to him alone BUT when something happens to a GADOL HADOR then it is a message to all of KLAL YISROEL, this tzaddik-7 others ALL IN CRITICAL CONDITION-is a message for teshuva before things get worse C”V
MAY all these tzaddikim have a refuah shleima asap
all of the Rosh yehsivas children are extramly choshov benie toroah and marbetzi torah.
Hello he was over 90 he lived to a very old age why is everything a message he died bc he was old so stop saying it was a message you could stop doing avierus anyways you don’t bead a golol to die to do teshuva just do it get off the Internet and stop comanting On everything just do teshuva and go to the Bais medrash
Rav Dovid Goldberg Rosh Yeshiva in Telshe and Mechaber Sefer Shiras Dovid is a Son in Law of Rav Aisek Ausbaund Zatzal