We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Harav Avremel Ausband Zatzal, the Rosh Yeshiva of Telshe Alumni of Riverdale, who was Niftar suddenly this evening.
Rav Avremel, the son of Rav Eizik Ausband Z”L, was one of the senior Roshei Yeshivos in the country and has thousands of Talmidim across the globe, including many in Lakewood.
The Levaya will take place at 10:30 Friday morning at the Yeshiva in Riverdale, New York, followed by Kevurah in Eretz Yisroel.
There will be five coach buses leaving from the Blue Claws stadium in Lakewood at 8:30am.
Baruch Dayan HaEmes.
I don’t believe this!!!
Hashem please help us!!!
I lived in his building. He was so warm and welcoming and suffered such terrible loss in his life. I can’t believe this. Baruch Dayan Emes.
What are you referring to terrible loss?
His daughter
Bde we need Moshiach now
Yes we do!!!
His daughter was tragically killed in a car accident about 20 years ago.
Is there a live hookup?
712 432 4305
712 432 1923
It says these numbers are tentative, so I am not sure…but this is the latest.
Bsoros tovos
I was in the very first years of Riverdale Yeshiva.
A leader like no other. A father to thousands.
In his memory can you please share your contact information so ppl can call you regarding shidduchim?
I recall about 50 years ago in Telz-Clev.
how as a bochur & as an avreich he’d remain in the beis medrash long after shacharis,still wearing talis & tefillin and was ma’avir sedra בשפה ברורה ובנעימה
during breakfast time.While his demeanor was exceptionally calm,yet in learning it was with ריתחא דאורייתא.He was one of very few who would bravely challenge the p’shat of the roshei hayeshiva during a shiur klali.זכה וזיכה את הרבים להתקדש בתורה