We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Mrs. Bracha Batsheva Barenbaum A’H, a young Lakewood woman who was Niftar over Shabbos in Baltimore. Mrs. Barenbaum (Singer), wife of R’ Avrohom Meir, was diagnosed with a life threatening illness while she was expecting her only child, and moved back to Baltimore for treatment. Her child was born healthy a short time later.
She was in her twenties.
The Levaya will be taking place at 11:00 AM today in Baltimore.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
It’s not clear from article if she actually gave birth to her only child or was nebbuch niftar before.
B”H her daughter is healthy and well. Bracha Batsheva, You will be missed.
Such a young woman – Hashem should give her husband Koach
He is the anikel of Michoel Barenbaum A”H the masGiach @ Mtj
Bde. So sad…she was so young and yes she did have a baby.
she was diagnosed a few years ago
The family has asked me to share this information:
Hooklups to listen to the levayah LIVE: Dial 1-712-432-1001
The pin is 472317041#. OR one can go to a web site (apologizing in advance for the name of the web site). http://www.kallah.com and click on “live wedding” to hear the levayah in REAL TIME.
For listen to recordings of the hespedim AFTER the levayah, go to http://www.sollevinson.com, click on the link for BasSheva Barenbaum, and there will be link for recordings, as well as shiva information.
May we be zoche to share simchas in the future!
Although we see the silver lining in this tzara that a child was born to this family, the mishpacha hamisabeles may not be ready to hear coments that we think is appropriate to say at this time. So as a good suggestion if youre not sure leave them unsaid & mourn along with the family & do the listening rather than the talking. Leave that to the profesionals & Rabbonim who are sensitive enough to these situations R”l. And remember the Gemara that says: AGRA DIBAI LIVAYA – SHTIKUSA. (The reward for attending a shiva house is SILENCE).
May Hash-m be menachem them as only He can & may we never see any more Tzaros. May we be zoche to Mashiach & Tchiyas Hamaisim speedily in our Days, Amen!
Where will the shiva be?
3401 Seven Mile Lane
Baltimore, MD 21208
Hashem yishmor! This is too much! May the family and all of klal yisroel have a true nechama!
Is there anyway I can be contacted thru tls if there are any rides this week goin to be menachem avel (women or families only please) thanks!
may the family have a true nechama batsheva was beloved by all she will sorely be missed