BARUCH DAYAN HA’EMES: [UPDATED SHIVA & HESPEDIM REPLAY INFO & MORE] It is with great sadness that we inform you of the Petirah of one of the world’s Roshei Hayeshivos, the Petirah of Hagaon Reb Nosson Tzvi Finkel Zatzal, who was Niftar moments ago.

The Rosh Hayeshivah reportedly suffered a massive Heart Attack during the night in Eretz Yisroel, and resusication efforts for approximately 45 minutes, were unsuccessful. He was 69.
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The Shiva will take place at Rechov Amaylim 3 Shecunas Bais Yisroel

Morning 10:00am – 1:30pm

Afternoon/Evening 4:30pm – 10:00pm

Zemanei Tefillah:

Shacharis 7:15am

Mincha 1:00pm

Maariv 7:30pm

(All times are Israel times)

Telephone: 052-765-4822

To hear a replay of the Hespedim

from the Levaya,

call 712-432-1085

Pin #276839

To hear daily a live-feed of the Hespedim being given during the Shiva at the Yeshiva

at 11:30am EST

Call 712-432-0075

Pin #568294

Up to 24 hours after, 712-432-1085

Pin #568294

See video below of the Rosh Hayeshiva’s visit to Lakewood just 4 months ago.

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  1. Will there be a hookup in lakewood? This is a very sad day for klal yisroel. Those two boys from waterberry, a boy from monsey and now THIS? Please Hashem, Help!!

  2. This is nuts moshiach has to be coming so many godola hadar were taken in the past few months evry one has to wake up including myself and do teshuva and mabbe we should all make a koala to do something and it could be between you and hashem.we should not have to hear eny more toros in klal yisroel enymore

  3. I am petrified,every minute its someone else. Were do we go?how do we change?we must change!!!!!!! We must all change somehow!!!become better people!!!!!

    What will we do without our RH ztl. I have tears streaming down my face. What is a dor without the RH ztl going to look like
    OY LSEFINAH SHEVDOH KVARNITA!! Please hashem make the suffering stop. YOMAR LETZOROSEINU DAI!!!!!

  5. How can we begin to describe such a great Tzadik?? he was Kol Kulo TORAH! He lived for Torah! He breathed Torah! He was Moser Nefesh for Torah! We must learn from him !!!! HASHEM PLEASE HAVE RACHMANUS ON US!

  6. bde. I think he was older than 69.
    I will never forget the kiss he gave me as a Talmud. He loved every single student eventhough he gad tens of thousands of them . Others should learn from him and love their students like children ( and not be so quick to throw them out of yeshiva)

  7. its said misas tzadik mechaper that is only if you do something and dont ignore it DO SOMETHING TESHUVA and let misas tzadik the rosh yeshiva and rav Dov Schwartzman and reb don ungarsher be mechaper al avonoseinu. baruch dayn ha’ sad so scary

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