[UPDATED] We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Habachur Yehoshua (Shuey) Sternbuch Z’L, who was Niftar today in New York following a lengthy illness R’L. Shuey Z’L, 20, learned in Lakewood at the Yeshivah of Harav Shlomo Friedman.
His Levaya will be taking place at 2:30 PM this afternoon at the Shomrei Hachomos Chapel in Boro Park.
The Kvurah will be taking place in Eretz Yisroel.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
Im crying…………… No words
I only knew him when he was sick………and this kid was a storg person.
can someone upload a picture?
i want to see if i know him by face…
the name sounds familiar…
I knew him from before he was sick , what a geshmake guy he always made everybody smile , and even when he was sick he would make every effort to learn full sedorim and not give up
No words can describe the type of person he was day after day he fought till the last minute, maybe our town should take upon something in his neshama zcus
So scary…klal Yisroel is suffering one loss after the other. Time to wake up and change a bit, no? Don’t keep thinking that everyone ELSE should change! Do YOUR part. Hashem is waiting for us.
He was soo strong of a bochur its a big loss and a big yasher koach too r freedman Shlita and his yeshiva for helping him in any way… We should be zoche too only hear simchos
I was in yeshiva with him. He was the type of person everybody strives to be. There is no way to describe the loss to this world. He will be sorely missed and will always be with us.
So sad. He was such a good and special kid. I also give allot of credit to Reb Shlomo freedman and all the bachurim of his Yeshiva fro going out of their way to accommodate Shue Zl.
May hashem bring an end to all this pain and suffering very soon and bring Mashiach.
he NEVER missed shachris in yeshiva !!
what a mchaiv!!
He was my cousin. The whole family is so so special! May they have a Nechama. Baruch Dayin Haemes!
this is so sad such a young boy taken in the prime years of his life!!!! may hashem give his family and freinds strenghth and koach….
baruch dayan emes this is waaaay too sad!!!!!!
I dont even know him and im crying, so sad :{
i dont know whos this boy is..i cant handle im crying!!!!!!! this is sooooo sad!!!!!! wheres this family from????
They live in Brooklyn…
baruch dayan emes
may hashem send the boys family and freinds a nechama
may we only hear besuros tovos!!!!!
They used to live in Lakewood.
can some one upload a pik please
Bde He was a special person. Always smiling.
I brought him a few time from the hospital in NY to his yeshiiva in lakewood,I have never seen a bachur with such an illness have such a simchas hachayim.He was so excited to back to yeshiva.You would never know that he was sick.I cant believe it he is no longer with us.
Just seeing a boy so sick, & going through so so much pain, for such a long time, & all he wanted was to be in Yeshiva! Nothing else, just to be in yeshiva to learn & daven as much as he could. Even when he couldn’t speak, he would come in to Yeshiva just to listen to the words of torah! Just to be in an enviorment of Torah! He loved everyone! Always had a smile on his face through all his pain & suffering. You tought us all how to live. A walking inspiration. A HUMAN MUSSAR SEFER!
Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes!!
What a Sad Sad Levaya. In Nissan you can’t be Maspid someone, but can just say what you can gain from him, what you learned from him, and what you can take away for the future. Even when not saying a Hespid, but Divrei Chizuk, there wasn’t a dry eye. What a special boy. How he accepted all his pain with love, & accepted his lot on this world as a Divine Plan. Shuey, you were an incredible inspiration to me. I cried my head off at the Levaya. You will be missed. By everyone. By anyone whoever met you. You were a special Neshoma.
it’s time for even more teshuvah. we lost so many tzaddikim in such a short span of time. btw it’s sad with or without a picture it doesn’t matter if you know him or not, we know he was a young tzaddik taken away to a better place. may moshiach come soon.
I met him a few times @ R’ Friedman’s yeshiva after he was sick. Due to his illness, he couldn’t his Dr didn’t let him shake hands. Yet he told this to me w/ a smile. The kid had a hecherer neshama. A pure tzaddik. Plain & simple. May he be a mailitz yoisher. & may the family find a nechama, somehow, someway. Dudi B.
bde hamokom yinachem eschem besoch shaar aveiley tzion we are here for you
Where r they sitting shiva?
Very sad
i was very close with him he wouldnt of made so long (2 years) without his rosh yeshiva r freidman who helped him so much through out his illness we schould all give tzdeka there lezachor nishmas !!!!
i knew him before he got sick he was from the most amazing people around and i was never intersted in learning but when i see a kid that can barely get out of bed and he comes to the bais medrash to learn it was an insane amount of chizuk and everything about him helped me get through alot and he will be greatly missed by all of us!!!!!!!!
could tls upload a pic
A very sad levaya
Always besimcha even when he was sick never complained
he never complained once!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A lucky nishama