BARUCH DAYAN HA’EMES: U/D 11:15 p.m. We regret to inform you of the passing of R’ Shlomo Refoel Delman Z’L, who was Niftar moments ago. R’ Shlomo Refoel, father of Eliezer, Yaakov, Nachum, Munish and Mrs. Raitzik, was Niftar at KMC, after a long illness. Levaya details will be posted when available. Besures Tovos. U/D 7:02 p.m.The Levaya will be taking place tomorrow morning at the Holocaust Memorial Chapel on East 7th Street (between Brook Road and Somerset Blvd.) at 10:00 a.m. Kevurah will be taking place in Lakewood as well. Shivah details will be posted when available. Umacha Hashem Dimah Me’al Kol Panim.
U/D Shivah will be taking place at the home of the Niftar, 1013 Lexington Avenue. Shachris at 7:45 a.m., Mincha 7:30 p.m. and Maariv ‘Bizmano’.
Also Brother to Reb Shloima Delman of Queens/now Eretz yisroel
I guess you mean cousin or uncle since the niftars name is shlomo
brother of Reb Aron Delman (he was Reb Shloima)
which raitzik?
Tuli Raitzik son in law…
What a special family. May they only know of Simchos.
tuli raitzik wife
You are right–Sorry! R Aron Delman