Barcuh Dayan Ha’emes: R’ Shmuel (Sam) Weinstein Z’L

We regret to inform you of the Petirah of R’ Shmuel (Sam) Weinstein Z’L, who was Niftar this morning following a lengthy illness. R’ Shmuel, of Forest Avenue, was approximately 68 years old. The Levaya will be taking place at 1:00 PM at the Holocaust Memorial Chapel.

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  1. Mrs. Weinstein, you are a true example of an Eishes Chayil! In every matzav, you were an advocate, a partner, and a cheerleader par excellence. May Reb Shmuel be a mailitz yosher for you, your family, and for all of Klal Yisroel! Ksiva V’Chasima Tova.

  2. What an amazing man R’ Shmuel was. I am a neighbor of his and always looked up to him for being a person who always had time for everyone and respected one and all. He was a Yorei Shomayim and a good freind to all who knew him. He should be a Meilitz Yosher for his family and all klal yisroel.

  3. As a nephew of his, I can say that I have never EVER seen him get angry or raise his voice. He did not have a bad bone in his body, he treated everybody with utmost respect.

    I can’t believe he’s gone, I just can’t believe it.

  4. Some might think this is an odd comment but he was a prime example of a true lakewooder always came early to shul helped whenever the shul needed him to without asking was there early in the am by the daf shiur i remember him very clearly setting up the shul being the gabbay when noone else wanted to be on and on and on….
    May you be a meiltz yosher for your shul you devoted yourself to as well as your family and klal yisroel

  5. for someone without a yeshiva background, he was the type of yid all should aspire to. He started the day with a daf yomi at 5:20 AM followed by shacharis. He stayed afterwards to make sure things were in order, including putting away the pushka money. He bought, set up, and cleaned up after each shalosh seudos in shule. Besides the daf yomi he also had a chavrusa, Tzedoko was a priority for him as was doing for his shule. Never said let someone else do it. Ayid always living his yiddishkeit.

  6. we lived on the same block for over forty years ! all i can say is that lakewood has lost a very special person . this is the kind of person we all strive to be . ive never heard him raise his voice and only had a smile when he greeted you even when times were hard . thank you for being such a great example. we will all miss you.

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