VIDEO (reader submitted) of a a Mexican band playing in front of El Oaxaqueno, to announce the newly painted and remodeled restaurant, conveniently located two doors down from La Sierra restaurant on Clifton, adding some flavor and spice to the downtown shopping experience. (Mobile users click here to view video on youtube).
Band Playing On Clifton To Announce Remodeling Of El Oaxaqueno
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It’s nice to have some diversity downtown. This reminds us that we are not the only culture out there.
Hershel for Mayor!!!!!
why would there be such a thing in a jewish site, u have nothing better to do??
News sites must report fair and accurate events and news, not only frum things # 3.
This site reports what goes on in this town. This took place in the center of that town right next door to yussis. The whole clifton was crowded with people or I should say hombres. This is your town now. If you don’t like it do something about it. But don’t complain if tls reports it. As for the music, it sounded pretty similar to yiddishe music.
It was actually disrupting the downtown.
I heard merchants called the police because the whole sidewalk was being blocked. You couldn’t walk down clifton. The policeman told my friend. When you guys have that torah thing you block the streets too. These guys had no permit. They were obstructing businesses for four hours with the crowd. The police did nothing. It was a non permited event in a location that obstructed all business.
Anyone on the comments who are complaining about permits or blocking traffic. Just twist it around and the next time a “aino yehuda” complains about a shuol or yeshiva next door to them because of blocking of traffic or “Noise” think about what you are complaining about now! Think real good!
Rabbosai…..ya gotta love it!
i will stop shopping in downtown tijuana, any frum business who want my patronage will just have to move to a safe normal jewish area with parking. (beside’s, the “yom tov” decorations they have up over there make me sick!)
i agree with #11
its osur to enjoy these avodah zorah stuff so be embarassed of youself for announcing to the world that you are being over an issur its a gamara and in shulchan aruch you must to tshuva for this
toby; i posted a response but the editor didnt like it….. sorry
its the holiday season this includes chanuka that’s why all the jewish stores advertise giving gifts!
The IQ level on here is tickling my ankles. The post starts with the mariachi band. Turns into a tirade against the police doing nothing to clean up the town froma ll the scum. Ends with decorations on clifton being avodah zorah. Geniuses
u forgot they put up a big menorah in town square for chanukah
Dear not poshut.
You must not have lived here very long. all the people I know have a special love for the downtown. Nothing will ever replace it leaving it a slum is not an option. Either fix it up or knock the whole area down so the slum will be gone. We can’t keep going like this. It will be a haven for every challeria in ocean and monmouth. Many of the gangsters that hang out here are from other areas.
Toby: i dont claim to own the town, actually i dont care what goes on in their neighborhood, on the contrary i am anti the new jewish movement to rid the downtown of immigrant goyim, i say let them have their place and we will have are own. in every city in america there are different neighborhoods for different community’s.
living here for 25 years
big foot, in your mouth please!
42 years here. i win
what color green is that building?nice paint job
muy classico
and waht will you do when some jewish landlord cant rent a store in your safe jewish neighborhood?and that becomes like clifton?will you just keep moving?this is your nice jewish is only a few feet from the most desirable jewish areas.
should we all live in fear of having the slum of ocean county in our center?
not poshut
hershel, its a losing battle. I was on clifton and second today and it was downright frighting I would NEVER send my kids there alone, let alone my wife, I was frightened. hersh, its a losing battle man, the border right now is wide open free with zero enforcemment of the laws, Obmama wants these people as a voter base when he makes them legal(wow magic, coming soon) . hersh , if u can’t beat em join em , why not go to shoprite , you’ll double in sales and save yourself all this heartache.maybe open a kosher mexican restraunt. call it casa hadassa. Now that’s diversity.
Anybody for some hot corn & mayo? Yep, you can get it right here in Lakewood on 2nd Street. They sell it right out of a (Shoprite) shopping cart. I’m sure their business license and health dept. paperwork is all in order . . . NOT!
I guess the poster of this article would classify that as “adding some flavor and spice to the downtown shopping experience.”
SHEESH! Gimme a break.
Dearest Julio,
I love mexican food. What I don’t love is drug dealers controlling half of the town I live in, supplying drugs to our children.In the past few weeks I have been given an eduacation about how prevalent drug use is now in ocean county. And yes it has become common in our own community. Ridding the downtown area of the stores that facilitate and launder money for the local drug trade will reduce crime,make buying drugs more difficult and expensive,and bring back a positive image to Lakewood. So Julio if you want to open a kosher mexican restaurant I would be happy to invest in it. As long as it makes its money from burritos and tacos ,not heroin , and cocaine. I am sure the next post will say,” I don’t see any drugs being sold”, “you are using this just to further your racist agenda”,”you want to control the downtown to help your business”, “you probably have a cleaning lady”, “I only shop in strip malls so who cares”. To those people, or that person, I say, have a feliz sabado. But before you eat you refried bean chulent tomorrow, just make sure to take your head out of the sand first.
hey hershel , love burritos, if what u say is true and obvious why aren’t they shut down . but who said that tyhis new restrante is a drug peddling, money laundering illegal activty hub . maybe the people are just hungry? why isn’t the fbi on this and if they are, maybe you should help them out and earn some mula shmula, but even if u clean out the three or four illegal activty spots ,kaewoods downtown will always still b little mexico, now all we need is those discount stores that sell flip flops and cheap toys .
close em down and its a known fact that they change names and move somewhere else. WE NEED TO SHIP OUT ALL ILLEGAL ACTIVTY
Why are people so terrified of Mexicans? Any crimes that I hear
of in this town are not committed by them. So stop being so small-minded
and terrified of anything or anyone that is unfamiliar to you.
And as Jews in Golus, it is unthinkably spoiled and stupid to publicly
air your xenophobic opinions.
ooooh xenophobic. word of the day.
too bad you don’t know how to use it correctly.
you can be a xenophobe.
you can be xenophobic.
but xenophobic opinions aaaah that is not the correct usage.
what I have is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia(google it)
from all you english majors on here with contrarian opinions to anything that makes sense.
in some ways i agree with , i would like to see the downtown somewhat cleaned up, but i think you are being a little bias , and are not seeing the whole picture clearly.
first i challange you to sitt a few eeeks in the municipal court when the do the drug case , violent ( non domestic crimes) , armed robberies ect. i think you will find that its not the hispanics that have a higher crime rate than any other contingent in this town. on the contrary they are much better than some other “minority” .
then you have to realize something else . while i dont like them per say, and i dont like the fact that they are illegal for the most part , there is a reason they are here. if you were at the planning meetings they plan , to build 10000s of house over the next few years. when is the last time you saw a kollel guy with doing framing or bricklaying or drywalling or siding or tiling? and who is making all the food in all our eateries? and who is scrubing my floors and toilets and ironing my kids shirts?
so as much as we all hate to admit the truth. until you will make my food , and move out of your house so that my brother has a place to live, AND HAVE YOUR WIFE SCRUB MY TOILET BOWL so that my wife can get much need rest – until then we are going to have illegal mexican in this town. and my cleaning ladies husband is going to be standing in front of your store next to the cousin of the guy who unloaded the truck that brought the toys to your store and with the brother of the guy who painted your place all those funny colors.
you cant have your cake and eat it to. most of us will go a few blocks away if we are unconfortable with the area. i know it hurts a few merchants , but you can move like all the others who were smart did.
yes we have to many illegals , that causesproblems to our public schools and hospitals , and housing problems , welfare . – we have to figure out a way to send about 25-35% back to mexico and how to regulate then more. but to make such an issue about ICE , and standing on a few blocks in middle of the streets, that used to be populted by USA citizens whos grandfathers came here 200 years before yours did and were even liberated 80 years before your parants came here, who were a much bigger crime problem is really being biased and closed minded/
Dear Xenophobe,
You misspelled “hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia”
the correct spelling is hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia.
your English is appalling!!
” I don’t see any drugs being sold”, “you are using this just to further your racist agenda”,”you want to control the downtown to help your business”, “you probably have a cleaning lady”, “I only shop in strip malls so who cares”