Bachur Struck By Vehicle On 14th Street

PHOTO: A pedestrian was injured this evening after being struck by a vehicle. The accident occurred about 7:30 PM at the intersection of 14th Street and Case Road. Hatzolah and Police responded to the scene. The patient, a 20 year old Bachur, was transported to KMC with a laceration to the face.

Officials asked that TLS remind pedestrians to wear reflectors, especially during the long winter nights. TLS-91/TLS-CCP/TLS-62.

(This story was first reported on our News Alerts).

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  1. This is a problem that for once has nothing to do with the lakewood driving and everything to do with the lakewood pedestrian, if you dont wear a reflector at night you are taking your life into your own hands & yes and thats even crossing the street to go to your car. I drive very slowly and still can not see the black figures 10 feet in front of me its a miracle that there are not many more chas veshalom

  2. This is getting to be a joke in this town. How hard is it to know when you are wearing all black and walking in the street that cars can’t see you.

  3. For those that cross at their own convenience, traffic lights don’t help. Reflectors are the only way we can see that there is someone there. Just because you can see us(only if our lights are on)(let’s not even talk about drivers with no headlights) does not mean we can see you. I nearly bowled over a group of 4 or 5 men crossing in the middle of the street and not 1 was wearing a reflector. I asked my daughter(over 12) sitting next to me if she saw them and she did not. Reflectors save lives. Please wear them.

  4. the situation has gotten to the same as texing & driving at ther same time. & brings the same point
    That although there has been already THOUSANDS of accidents of people texting while driving, HAS ANYONE STOPPED? have we learnt our klesson before tragedy strikes us C”V? so what is a person telling Hashem? he is saying that although my neighbor/friend-that lives right near me-C”V got hurt because he was texting or not wearing his reflector, Hashem still can’t get me to stop texting etc… thus leaving hashem no choice but to C”V put a tragedy on YOU C”V

    BOTTOM LINE:save yourself before somerhing happens & don’t leave hashem with no choice but to put a Klala on you C”V

  5. We dont just need to fix lights that are out in Lakewood we need to put up street lights all over the city!!! I drive in fear constantly as I have had quite a few close calls of unseen individuals as I drive. I recently rolled down the window and yelled at a kid that I almost ran him over (he didnt even realize…) and he definitely got scared but he probably forgot about it and is still crossing with no reflector. PLEASE everyone drive slowly when you cant see at night and PLEASE wear reflectors if you are walking at night… it should be a law like a seatbelt!!!!!

  6. As Rash”I says, when a tzaddik leaves a town ….. We all have to be much more careful these next few weeks, walking, driving, biking, etc .. Now that our dear mayor & friend, HaGaon R’ Menasha has been deployed to who-knows-where, somewhere between Bangladesh & Mogidishu. Come back soon, Menash, we miss u !! Dudi B.

  7. Has anyone noticed that it seems reflectors have gone out of style? No one is wearing them anymore. Why is that? It is so dangerous. People in this town are basically invisible at night. Especially these days where it seems that both men and women are dressed head to toe in black. Let’s get those reflectors on.

  8. Pedestrians who wear dark clothes at night and in bad weather need to start wearing me! Don’t wait until a tragedy forces you to use common sense- Put me on when you leave the house so drivers can see you!

  9. Yup! That’s the way they drive in Lakewood: Whenever I approach Case Rd. from 14th St. I always “inch in” to Case Rd. as the visibility is poor and it’s always packed with pedestrians.

  10. Our dedicated Township just painted a pedstrien walkway on the 14th street Case Rd. Tangelwood intersection. This was well thaught out so pedestrians should cross only where you have maximum visualability. Yes it is “out of the way” and sometimes anoining , but in that 220 degree curve with cars coming and turning from 4 directions it is the safest spots to cross.

  11. All of the yeshiva’s should make this a school requirement. Just like a dress code…boys have to wear certain clothing to stay in that school…they should be required to wear a belt whenever they walk outside after shkia. And they should make this a requirement for the rebbe’s as well.

  12. this has nothing to do with reflectors. pedestrians have to be more careful crossing and walking into streets. in my opinion reflectors make matters worse because it gives pedestrians a false sense of security that he can do whatever he wants.

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