A Bachur was robbed on Shabbos in Lakewood in broad daylight, TLS has learned. The Bachur was reportedly walking on the tracks near Route 9 on Shabbos afternoon when he was approached by a man who demanded his money.
The Bachur says the suspect, described as a black male, demanded his money while he kept one hand in his pocket but did not display a weapon.
When the Bachur said he had no money on him, the suspect demanded his watch, worth approximately $500.
The suspect took his watch and fled.
The Bachur reported the incident to LCSW and Police on Motzei Shabbos.
Why is this news? Now if you tell me a bochur robbed a black man, now THAT would be news!!!
I thought men don’t wear watches on Shabbos. (maybe a $500 watch is allowed as it is considered jewelry)
A Bachur with a watch worth $500?? What has become of us?
The perpetrator, not the suspect. If there is an accused individual, then there is a suspect.
Maybe he was wearing the new Apple Watch
Dont blame the vic; blame the Perp. Lets keep our focus. The robber is the bad guy in the story, not the boy wearing a watch.
Why such a cheap watch? A $5k breitling is more like it!
The new apple watch doesn’t cost $500
Hopefully, he will be a chosson like real soon and his new watch from his future shver (for those that don’t know it means father-in-law) will be a watch that will make him forget about this watch (and for those that don’t know it is customary that shvers….or fathers-in-laws buy their edems (for those that don’t know it means their son-in-law) a watch after they get engaged.
Wearing a watch for a man is not a problem if its something you ware to look good
Maybe the bochur is wealthy, entitling him to wear an expensive watch as wealthy people do.
I have a modest proposal…….Stand your ground, resist and fight !
to zev- good recipe to get killed it is better to give up a watch than to give up a life!!
Comments about the watch?!
He was accosted in Lakewood. That means it could’ve happened to you or anyone in Lakewood. That is relevant news that informs us how safe or rather unsafe we are.
The comments about the watch are unfortunately not surprising. BTW what if it was his chassan watch? Then you would approve?
My friend is in the same Yeshiva as this guy and here are some more details, the boy is from a wealthy family in LA &nd just came to lakewood this zman, he’s not a very big kid and was traumatized by the bigger black dude, it was also his first time walking on the tracks. he was taking flack from some of his friends for wearing the watch on Shabbos, and the perp did threaten him with his life if he didn’t give money. And he’s not of marriagable age.
I am still waiting for the Wise Sages of The Lakewood Scoop Comments Section to explain to us that this was a message from Heaven that we need to stop wearing watches on Shabbos and that Moshiach is around the corner.
@ Cool Masmid –
For those who don’t know what it means……. What is a “masmid”? And also, please explain to us why a “cool masmid” is on the internet during night seder making fun of shvers and eidems and choson watches.
If was a young boy shouldn’t of been walking the tracks alone
Its about time people think before they comment. Everyone knows that some poskim allow to wera a watch. A bochur gets accosted by a big black male and is traunatized the first thing you comment is about his weraing a watch and worst make dumb jokes how much it costs. If you dont claim to be a poisek then dont make comments on halcha and besides the right thing to do is to feel for this bochur. If he reads this he would not be too happy to see all these dumb comments.
its Elul not too late to start caring about people.