PHOTO: A Bachur was hospitalized after being struck by a vehicle on County Line Road this afternoon, officials say.
The 16 year old boy was reportedly attempting to cross County Line Road at about 12:30 PM when he was struck by oncoming traffic near Teaberry Court.
Hatzolah BLS and ALS members responded to the scene.
He was transported with Paramedics to Jersey Shore Medical Center with head and leg injuries, officials say.
Lakewood Police Department’s Traffic & Safety unit responded to the scene for the investigation.
The incident and traffic alert was initially posted on our News Alerts @lakewoodscoop.
I don’t know what happened here, may the Bachur have a Refuah Shelaima. I am astounded when I see people crossing dangerous roads such as Madison Avenue and County Line Road without being careful (texting etc.). The stupid new crosswalk law is making people think that they can cross anywhere. I am living here over 35 years. It was until now unheard of to cross any of these roads without a light. Rabosai please have Rachmanus on yourselves.
To Old Lakewooder:
I can’t agree with you more. I’ve also found that while a driver may stop for a pedestrian, and the pedestrian is already in the crosswalk, you’ll have another car from behind that doesn’t stop and passes the stopped car going full speed, barely missing the pedestrian! I’ve seen this many times and all I could do is pray.
Shabsie ben Adina Rivka (besoch shear klal yisroel)
The so called Crosswalk Law is absolutely ridiculous. It is a typically politically correct law. Just to give you the liberal right to cross any street whenever YOU feel like it. Well…guess what? It is really dangerous. Especially with all the distracted driving going on these days. You better be sure that every driver coming at high speed sees you crossing and will stop. Fat chance. Don’t take the chance.
Dittos on the crosswalk comment, most ridiculous law ever, very dangerous , pedestrian thinks he can go and driver doesn’t see him walking into the street driving at 35 mph. Also the buchrim walking in the streets like its a sidewalk … Big problem!!
Any update on his condition?
He is B”H back home