Bachur Completes Shas After 10 Years, With Chizuk From Rav Nosson Tzvi Zatzal

PHOTOS: A Siyum on Shas was held for a Bachur who completed Shas after 10 years, and got S’micha during that time as well. Binyomin Radner, from Detroit, says it was Chizuk he got from the Mirrer Rosh Hayeshivah Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel Zatzal, which gave him the push to continue with the major undertaking.

At the Siyum held for his Chavrusas and several Rabbonim, Radner says when he learnt in the MIR, the Rosh Hayeshivah hosted a Siyum for him on his first Seder of Shas, and told him “You should go on to Shas”. It was that Bracha and Chizuk he said which helped him complete the 10 year project.

During that time, Radner also received S’micha on Yorei De’ah.

Photos by Crystal Photography.

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  1. That is a kidush are making r nosson zvi zl smile in gan eden…he would have hugged you if he was here.may u continue lechail el choyil, omen
    Radner, means ” RedNor” in lernung”

  2. – Envy your accomplishment- may you be zoche to finish shas many more times.

    please let us know how your were able to accomplish this. any suggestions

  3. His great grandmother was Rebetzin Bloch (Reb Elya Meirs 2nd wife whom he married after the war when he lost his first Rebetzin).His grandmother was a daughter from her first marraige..She should have nachas from shomayim from him and his special brothers.

  4. #16
    Does every good thing have to have a litzanis with it?

    Mazel Tov Reb Binyomin Rav Gifter once told a bachur that finished Shas when he called him to tell him that he is a Chsson “First let me wish you mazel tov for becoming a chosson to the Torah & now I will wish you mazel tov for becoming a chosson to your kallah”

    Reb Binyomin IY”H by you Bikorov!

  5. Yes his brother is R’ Yosef Radner from Waterbury. He finishes Shas once a year, but he is not the menahel of the yeshiva. He does give a shiur though. i just wanted to clarify.

  6. Its a great accomplishment to finish shas. Just remember, EVERYONE & ANYONE can do it in 7 1/2 years by learning just 1 blatt a day (with or without tosfos).

  7. Daf Yomi is wonderful and it affords almost anybody the opportunity to go through shas and it’s an excellent program; but to learn it over a ten year period the way R’ Binyomin did is on another level.

  8. Binyomin Dov, You are the very best nachas a father could ever have. There are no words to describe my deep love for you. I am so so proud of you for reaching this huge accomplishment. Hashem should grant you all your wishes in good health ad meah v’esrim. You should be zocheh to continue your amazing growth in Torah and Yiras Shamiym. Mazel tov, Totty

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