Baalei Batim Depart To Eretz Yisroel For Yarchei Kallah

PHOTOS & VIDEO [UPDATED] Last night, over 20 Baalei Batim of R’ Lazer Apter’s Shiur, and others, departed Lakewood for a week-long Yarchei Kallah event in Eretz Yisroel. A full program is planned complete with learning, Shiurim and Shmuessim from distinguished Roshei Yeshivos and Rabbanim, as well as private audiences with Gedolei Yisroel.

 The Yarchei Kallah was conceptualized by a group of Baalei Batim in Lakewood and is being lead by renowned Magid Shiur Rav Eliezer Apter Shlita.

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  1. I would love to go as well, as would many many others, but unfortunately we are out of jobs and have no parnassah ad cannot afford to “just go” to Eretz Yisroel whenever we want. Oh well.

  2. Dear Mr. Sad,( comment1)
    There was no need to say that.We know there are many of us out of a job or under employed. Simchas HaChaim means being happy for other people succeed even though we find ourselves in a terrible spot.
    I , also would love to go. But I accept what is. Be upbeat and thank Hashem what you have, not what you dont

  3. I have a wonderful idea. Those going to the yarchei kallah should take down the names of those that cannot go and be mispallel for them by the kosel and other mekomos hakedoshim as well as by all the gedolei hador. As it says “kol hamispallel bead chaveiroh huh nehneh techillah.
    From the looks of it, it seems like very fineh baalei baatim are going. Mordechai Sederovits is a selfless individual who only knows how to do chessed. Also Yisroel Meir Schapiro who also would do anyone a chessed any time of the day in addition to his wonderful weekly drashah from SSSS. With all this being said let me ask the Lakewood Scoop to forward these names to Eretz Yisroel to the parties that are at the yarchei kallah and may we all soon be zoche to go to Eretz Yisroel to the ultimate yarchei kallah with Moshiach tzidkeinu bimaheirah biyameinu. I will put my name here to have them daven for me and other people should do the same. Yehudah ben Sima. Thank you in advance to the Lakewood Scoop for helping out in this mitzvah.

  4. I am not saying they shouldnt go. Of course they should. I am saying it doesnt have to be broadcast with pictures in media outlets. Who gains from that?

    Am I being jealous? perhaps. But bottom line is, it hurts me and a lot of people like me to always have to hear and see people “talking about” their trips here and there. Go, gezinte heit, but don’t show off, brag etc.

    Yes, the Torah demands that of every Yid, even those of means, to be sensitive in how they show off what they have to others who have less.

  5. Well said #2!

    I once heard from Reb Chaim Mintz Shlit”a on the Possuk “Vayichad Yisro” (Rashi) – It’s harder to rejoice for others than to partake in their sorrow…If you could feel other people’s joy, you’ll always have an excuse to celebrate!

  6. to sad
    these people dont mean to advertise their trips it just happens to be the scoop allways gets around theres nothing wrong with it!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Not everyone who went is rich – some worked overtime for weeks before so they could go. And FYI – the guy who took the pictures for TLS went.

  8. I am the proudest wife ever since my husband left for this week of ruchniyus- in our over fourteen years of marriage I was never zoche to have him learn full time! This is a true zechus and my children and I are overflowing with simcha! (He just waved to us at 4:30 in the morning from the Kotel cam on his way to daven sefer tehillim and vasikin!)
    A note of praise goes out to Rabbi Zeev Rothschild for allowing NPGS employees to take time off to learn in Eretz Yisroel and be part of the Lakewood Yarchei Kallah. He is a true merit to “torah im derech eretz!” as he not only supports it, but is a part of the chaburah as well!

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