Average Property Tax Bill In NJ Now Over $9,000

New Jersey retained its spot as the state with the highest property taxes as the average tax bill in the Garden State climbed to over $9 000 for the first time. 

The average property tax bill in New Jersey in 2020, according to figures released by the Department of Community Affairs, was $9,112, up around $160, or 1.8%, from 2019.

According to the Department of Community Affairs, some $31 billion was brought in from property owners in New Jersey, with the funds being used by local and county governments, as well as directed to fund school districts.

In Lakewood, the average property tax bill was $7,435, a 5.5% increase from 2019. In Jackson the average bill was $7,748 (+1.4%), and in Toms River the average property tax due was $6,673 (+5.1%).

The average property tax bill in New Jersey in the past decade rose by $1,350, an eye-popping 17%.

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