Automated Postal Machines Enable N.J. Tax Filers To Mail Returns Until Midnight

automated-postal-centerjpg-adce55b7a3a2df89_largeLast-minute tax filers who opt not to file electronically can still head to some post offices until late tonight to make sure your return gets on its way. But unlike the lines of years past waiting for a clerk to help, people will find automated machines. At dozens of post offices, APC’s (Automated Postal Centers) allow people to mail tax returns until midnight. Customer service reps are prepared to assist customers to help streamline the process, say postal officials. “It’s basically our version of the banking industry’s ATM,” said United States Post Office northern New Jersey spokesperson George Flood.

There are 19 APC’s in post offices lobbies throughout northern New Jersey, said Flood, and most are open 24 hours a day. The southern part of the state, which includes Monmouth and Ocean counties, boasts 31 such centers.

To find an APC near you, log onto, click onto “locate a post office” and type in a zip code.

APC’s are equipped to handle most mailing transactions, including certified mail with return receipt, a service many last minute filers seek. A reminder, the centers accept only debit or credit cards. Star Ledger

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