AUDIO: Urgent Message from Lakewood Police Chief Greg Meyer

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Any car that gets stuck should be impounded by the police for a week there is no reason to be out there today just making problems for everyone else
Thank you all for your services and hard work!!!
I was just on the road to go to shachris and not a single truck plowed the roads. I have a good car so I did not get stuck although there were plenty of cars on the road and managing. I’m from Toronto originally and go to Monsey often and the roads would have been cleared 5 times through the night over ther. it is unreal that nothing has been done. Holidays are over and trucks should have been working through the night. I am working today from home-but working! I pay taxes and expect that he roads be clear. I appreciate all the hard work the department does but I just think they have no clue when it comes to snow. If they or someone can please explain or please give them the message. Why are all the parking lots in town being cleared by all the private guys but the township roads-NOTHING!
Return to Toronto!! Stop complaining!!
Being the plowing and snow removal expert that you are, when this storm is over why don’t you go over to DPW and give them your expert advice as how to coordinate the snow removal so we all will have cleared roads when we get up to go to work……. Thank You for you help
The snow first started at about 5am, so there was nothing to do at night. At Shacharis-time it was just the first few hours, and they were plowing by me. (It also depends where you live. If you live on a route to a hospital, you’ll get priority. Location location..!) Another point is that some roads are county or state roads, and they are done by those jurisdictions. But the roads are being plowed. Of course in Toronto and Montreal they’re better at it, as there are snows throughout the winter, and if you’d shut school for snow, you’d shut them for months. So they have all sorts of solutions; carting away the snow, and the city snow-blows all the sidewalks. (In Monsey too, there is more snow than here). On the other extreme, in Israel, it almost never snows; when it does, even a few inches shuts down a city. But here is average, so they have plows – and also contract private ones when necessary. Last winter was the first heavy snow in about ten years here; they got to ‘test the snows’! Then there were quite a few people saying what you were, and perhaps legitimately so. (Although I think most issues were in a few corners of the town; although they had a point when their [small, three-house] block was not plowed for three days; after all; they’re paying taxes.) But in general they do a good job. Welcome to Lakewood!
And don’t forget to shovel
Hi. Have not seen or heard a snow plowing truck in hours it really building up now the snow , We need trucks around here. cedar Row Walden Ave Are we last now because all the development s were screaming louder. Thanks
have not seen a plow once on flannery down by cedar wood hills how come?
let all my tax money get to work!!!
I shoveled my driveway about 11:00-12:00 this morning and now at 2:30 it looks just as deep as before. If they would have plowed earlier they’d have to do it all over again before the storm is over.
where is anybody going crazy