AUDIO: Rav Binyomin Eisenberger Shlita During Intense Search For Leiby Kletzky

r_binyomin_eisenbergerEXCLUSIVE AUDIO: During last night’s intense search for Leiby Kletzky, Harav Binyomin Eisenberger Shlita of Bais Medrash Heichal Hatfillah in Boro Park, delivered words of Chizuk to the members of his Shul, where the father of Leiby, R’ Nachman Kletzky, and Leiby A’H, Davened. R’ Nachman, was present at the Shul last night.

Bais Medrash Heichal Hatfillah, located on 57th Street, was opened approximately 7 years ago and has grown by hundreds of Mispallelim since.

The audio – in Yiddish – was made available to TLS by a member of the Shul.

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  1. This is what is so special about Rav Eisenberger Shlita. He is always there when needed with the right words to keep us on the Torah’dig Hashkafa!

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