AUDIO: Processing the Tragedy in Lakewood | Rabbi Moshe Rotberg

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  1. Thank you so much rabbi Rotberg and Lakewood scoop.I personally I’m involved with such a person and was personally involved with rabbi Rotberg .
    Most if not all of peoples questions or comments are because they have NO idea about the vast sugya of mental illness
    Like rabbi Rotberg said it has nothing to do with stress etc
    And all questions from people not ever involved in such a problem is ignorance

  2. There are gradations to mental illness, just as there are in “yenna machla” as an example. Symptoms, parts of the body, age, treatment protocols and medical access. Unlike the physical, there is still a stigma to going for ongoing emotional and mental health remediation. Healing takes grit, time, commitment, tefilos and yes, funds. The funds are the least of it. No $ is spared for the big “C”. Enough said.
    The Rabbi spoke well.
    May we use our time to daven, give tzedaka, hold good thoughts and “appreciate” what we have OR try to. We don’t need to know every detail. We do need to BEG Hashem for Rachamim, immediate and long-term. This family – grandparents, parents, spouse, siblings, cousins and friends are grieving, as is the Mother.

  3. Many people with mental illness don’t want help as they enjoy the high or don’t want to suppress their personality which most mood stabilizing medications cause by virtue of working correctly there is a reason psychiatric meds are evaluated based off the retention rate. Studies show for what their worth Postpartum psychosis averages 1-2 per 1000 births and infanticide is 4% of untreated postpartum psychosis almost always on conjunction with bipolar bpd or schizophrenia spectrum disorders as rabbi Rotberg said since 1970 when central Jersey Hatzolah was founded they never had such a case

  4. It is unfortunate that the family is rarely engaged in treatment for severe cases. Few are trained in this kind of work, and it is more difficult. Families need guidance on how they can change their family environment to reduce the “temperature.” This needs to be part of the conversation. Mental illness is not a magical demon. It is a response to a very difficult life situation, including the family situation.

    “Psychiatric illness” is a meaningless term. And it leaves people helpless. It is not easy to change a family system, but if we ignore its contribution, we leave people helpless.


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