Audio: Mekubal Rav Yitzchok Moshe Erlanger Shlita Delivers Shiur At Rachmastrivka Bais Medrash

Rav Yitzchok Moshe Erlanger shlitaAUDIO below of last night’s Shiur given by the Tzaddik and famed Mekubal Rav Yitzchok Moshe Erlanger shlita of  Yerushalayim, at the Rachmastrivka Bais Medrash. Besides being a known expert in Chinuch, he is also the Mechaber of over 10 Seforim. Click here to view his Shabbos Schedule. (PDF).

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  1. you cannot imagine what a shaolsh seudos it was was like i got a new lease on life–how do i see this Tzadikk privately/ does he understand english

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