AUDIO: At a parking lot in Lakewood

This incident occurred on Wednesday afternoon. (Share your news tips, stories and photos with TLS by sending them to [email protected] or via text 415-857-2667.)

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  1. Thanks for the heartwarming story. Passing a good deed forward creates such a kiddish Hashem chain, I love to be part of this special nation. And no, I’m not even a Lakewood resident but it made my heart smile!

  2. Beautiful story! Only it sounds like my daughter . Who do you think is paying for the fix up of the car that she and her friend were driving?! Yup, her daddy! Was a beautiful gesture had it been her own car. I feel that some teenagers of today’s times are missing in understanding the importance of $ and it’s really not their own fault as we as parents have the responsibility of teaching it to them. So coming back to our story , it’s a feel good story but questionable if these girls are to be commended.

  3. Just want to clarify on my previous comment. I have no idea who these girls are. I’m just wondering on who’s tab this “ Chesed” was done.

  4. This story is nothing new, Prob happens manybtimes daily
    Happens to me all the time
    Unless its a real damage , I don’t make a big deal about it .

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