VIDEO MESSAGE: [Also on Vimeo] “Being on the front lines, I know B’yediah there are at least 1,700 people that are unemployed”, renowned Attorney and Askan Avraham (Abe) Penzer said in a video message talking about the current crisis in Lakewood and surrounding areas. “People are reaching out on all fronts and it’s been extremely frustrating”, R’ Avraham says.
R’ Avraham said that was until the Parnassah Expo – by R’ Duvi Honig – came to be.
“It’s the first major battle that we’re fighting back to try to cure it.””Not to cry and say, what can we do.”
The Parnassah Expo, R’ Avraham and R’ Duvi explained, brings employers and employees as well as professionals from all around the Tri-state area, together under one roof to try and match up potential employees and employers, creating Parnassah opportunities for those without jobs.
“There no name for this, no organization, we call ourselves ‘Parnassah'”, R’ Avraham says. “Everybody’s part of it.”
Listen to R’ Avraham’s powerful words, and several short stories, in the video below.
The Parnassah Expo will be taking place on February 26, at the Bais Yaakov Hall.
To learn more about the upcoming expo, click here. TLS.
Is this open to frum and non frum? There are others out of work that need help too.
there are about 9,000 frum households in Lakewood, meaning 18,000 people, plus add on a few hundred single people. I’m assuming abe wasn’t counting the 5,000 yungaleit and over 1,500 klei kodesh as being unemployed. that means 1,7000 out of about 14,000 equaling well over 10%.
this is a wonderful oppurtunity for many people in need- why is the expo during the day when the employers or the ones that have jobs already, can not attend since they need to make parnassa and/ or keep their job, i would love to attend if it would be in the evening which is not during business hours
R’ Avrohom Penzer is a real person who day in and day out looks for ways that he can help and do chesed for the klal. He should only continue his work and hashem should give him koach and much health.
All the best R’ Avrohom.
Is PCS part of this
Is this only for men or also for women?
Thank you Reb Avrohom for taking the time out to inform the klal about this grand opportunity. Kol mi sheosake bisorche. . . Hashem yishalem sicharum.
this is for everyone men and women go
Feb 26 is a sunday. For most people that is not during business hours.
Its on a sunday so all can attend
For more info
Employer that cant attend during day hours: We made it on Sunday so that most business owners will not have to worry about not being able to come to hire and so that people will be more free to attend.
Women: 12-2:30
Men 2:30-5
Yes, PCS will be there together with many wonderful organizations that will be there to help the klal.
R’ Honig continues to pull together as many resources as he can to join together and unite under the umbrella of helping klal yisroel with parnassah.
If you know anyone that has a position available PLEASE have them call us right away!
732-987-7704 or email [email protected]
To employer on 2012-02-14 at 8:39 pm. This will be taking place on Sunday when many people are off. Perhaps one should consider this carrer advancement and try to take the time off if you work on Sunday.
this is a good thing
Reb Avrohom is one of the first Askanim in town , a real person with true meaning to everything he does, a tremendous machshiv Torah!
Which of the local roshei yeshivosand rabbonim are behind this wonderful idea?
thank you for letting me know its on a Sunday- i will do my upmost to attend- looking forward…..
anyone can come to Parnassah expo it is nondescriminatory. Just to remain focused please keep to the men’s/ ladies hours. Over 60 booths of pure help in so many different ways.
Parnassah expo is running on a loss. If there’s anyone out there in Lakewood scoopland who could help an additional 5,000 to cover all their expenses it would really b appreciated as they are running at a loss.
a regular guy
Just curious as to why mens hours are considerably more the the womens hours. Should equal or more for women because more women work then men do in lakewood. Its a fact.
Why do local rosh yeshivos and rabbonim have to be behind everything anytime someone wants to move a muscle? Didn’t Hashem give you a brain for a reason? Use it every once in a while.
Just to correct one thing on what R’ Abe said; he mentioned the story with the Ponevitcher Rov and R Yaakov (Jackie) Levinson of London. R’ Jackie who had lived in London all the years recently moved to Eretz Yisroel to continue what he does best – sit and learn. London is not the same without this true talmid chochom and baal chesed.
Who could b against Chesed?
A backing of roshei yeshiva and rabbonim would be a good thing because more people who truly need help would participate. Many people don’t follow an idea unless there is rabbnical suport behind it.
the number of 1700 doesnt sound reasonable unless your including every kollel wife who wants a job however only part time etc….
thanks rabbi/Mr/professional/ball-chesed PENZER
[email protected] put ur business on paper for all attendees to take with.
#18 -Rifky,
Ladies have shorter hours because they have a much easier job finding a job in Lakewood. This is not the place to elaborate on that but I can say that I know people who would have jobs if employers in Lakewood and general society were more willing to hire men.
! DUVI you are unbelievable may you go mchyil el chyil may you have siyyta dishmaya in all your endeavors
Reb Avrom you are truly an amazing person you don’t only take care of. Yechedim you worry about the whole oilom
Hours are equal time slots for both men and for women.
As stated by “is real” – If you have a service to offer a business or attendee there will be a directory booklet with inexpensive ad prices.
Please contact [email protected] for any advertising for the event.
We are still taking booths from those that have positions available.
Please contact [email protected]
Continuing his parent’s ways to help build Lakewood Abe Penzer stands out as a person who dedicates all his days to help the klal. May Hashem bless you with much brocha v’hatzlocha!