Attention ‘Park And Ride’ Commuters

LPD small LPDTLS has been requested to post the following: Those who take the bus to NY and park their vehicles near Whispering Pines and on Milton Road, please be aware that Police have been issuing tickets for parking too far from the curb, too close to the stop sign, or parking in the wrong direction. On a side note, there is construction of a sewer main crossing Squankum road, from Whispering Pines down Milton Road. The construction began yesterday and will continue through Tuesday of next week. The road will be open in both directions with Police presence. Expect delays.

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  1. 50 ft from a Stop sign, 25 ft from an intersection, w/in 8 inches of the curb. Look it up it’s in the drivers manual.

  2. Lakewood has a park and ride on 1st and lexington those who park and ride should utilize it and not park on a side st such as milton ave causeing a nice quite st to be filled with cars all day its not the right thing to do to the residents that live there. would you like it if i came and parked 50 cars on you block both sides of the st and you came home and didnt have where to park every day people have to learn derech eretz.

  3. I am so relieved that Lakewood’s finest are finally putting an end to this dangerous situation. The other day there were 2 cars parked over 10 inches from the curb!! Can you imagine any other township tolerating such a travesty?

  4. Maybe I was sleeping, but when did a turning signal go up at the intersection of madison and kennedy?
    I tried to make a left onto kennedy and it took forever.
    What gives?

  5. The police should issue a warning about improper parking
    (on a quiet side street) on the TLS and then start ticketing. True, people should know the law, but there usually aren’t blatant violations. Go figure, some residents (silly them) might have thought that a local police department (consisting in the majority of non-lakewood living officers)
    would issue a warning before such zealous enforcement .

  6. to #7 I’m sure its not the 10inch parking that’s getting tickets, regardless park like a mench don’t block mail boxes etc.

  7. Tow the cars away. Teach everyone a lesson that they’re not above the law. True, it might cost the car owner several hundred dollars, but who can put a price on safety and keeping people in line.

  8. I’m sick of all you TLS whiners calling it a ticket blitz. The proper name for it is “a ticket shock and awe”.

  9. You think the cops, the majority of whom do not reside in Lakewood, enjoy giving tickets to local residents? Nothing could be further from the truth. I’ve seen many a cop drive away from a traffic stop and parking
    violation with tears in their eyes.

  10. Bob Singer is also modeh al H’emes except when it’s not his fault because other township committeemen who were in the majority decided to build a $25,000,000 stadium and based their decision on
    republican-democratic party affiliation which is very plausible as local projects are part of the old federalist Hamiltonian vs. Jeffersonian republican split and therefore it wasn’t his fault and the Blue Claws just put him on the front of their program guide because they like him. Whew. I need oxygen.

  11. Can we have a couple of days of no political posts— no Hershel,
    no Bob, no va’ad, no anonymous etc.. We need some time off.

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