Attention Holocaust Survivor Families: Swiss Banks Name Holders of Dormant Accounts Worth $45 Million

auschwitz_lDec 16 Swiss banks released on Wednesday the names of more than 2,600 holders of accounts that have lain dormant for at least 60 years, giving them or their heirs one last chance to claim their wealth before it reverts to the state.

The banking industry said around 44 million Swiss francs ($44.5 million) were lying fallow in bank accounts that had gone untouched since at least 1955. Around 80 safety deposit boxes whose contents were unclear were also gathering dust.

People can search for dormant accounts on the website that went live on Wednesday under new legislation that took effect in January.

“By publishing this information, the banks are making a last attempt to re-establish contact with the customer,” said Claude-Alain Margelisch, chief executive of the Swiss Bankers Association.

“For the banks, on the other hand, these new regulations create legal certainty for the treatment of dormant assets.”

More names will be added to the list every year as the 60-year period rolls on. The deadline for submitting requests is one year from the date of publication. Read more in Reuters.

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  1. This is great news. I recently went to the site. It’s amazing. I found my family’s name there. They have $3.7M for us. The wire should be coming through Monday morning. Yay !!! Thanks TLS for posting this. Ur the best !!

  2. “But we all know, it’s just to show, that they’re politicaly correct, so send your spare cash to Barbatos, or better yet the holy land.”

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