Assemblyman Sean Kean: Obama’s Cuba Visit Must Include Return of Chesimard to N.J.

senator sean kean lkwd tlsAssemblyman Sean Kean said the recent announcement that President Obama will visit Cuba March 21-22 must include the demand that convicted law enforcement killer JoAnne Chesimard be returned to the U.S. Cuba continues to protect Chesimard, who escaped from prison after being convicted in the 1973 murder of a New Jersey state trooper. Chesimard, who also goes by the name Assata Shakur, remains at the top of the FBI’s Most Wanted List.

“The return of JoAnne Chesimard to pay for her crime must be a top priority of Obama’s visit to Cuba,” said Kean, R-Monmouth and Ocean. “The president cannot treat this as a secondary issue for our country, and especially for New Jersey. Cuba has given asylum to this convicted killer for over 30 years and justice demands she returns to serve her sentence.

“We cannot pretend there aren’t any outstanding issues that need to be resolved with the oppressive Castro regime,” continued Kean. “The most important achievement that would make Obama’s trip to Cuba worthwhile is having Chesimard back in a New Jersey prison.”

Kean is the sponsor of AR-22, which expresses the Assembly’s strong disagreement with the decision to restore full diplomatic relations with Cuba, and urges Chesimard’s extradition to the United States.


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