Assemblyman Ronald Dancer: Former Boston Police Commissioner Is Right: Death Penalty For Marathon Bomber

Assembly Republican Ronald S. Dancer agreed with the former Boston Police Commissioner who said that those responsible for the Boston Marathon bombing should be put to death.

“Our hearts and prayers go out to the victims of this senseless attack on innocent people,” Dancer, R-Ocean, Burlington, Middlesex and Monmouth counties. “This tragedy is a heinous assault on life and liberty.”

Former Boston Police Commissioner Bill Bratton told NBC that those responsible for the attacks should be put to death.

“The federal government pledged to deliver the ‘full weight of justice,’ and this is a case in which the death penalty is more than appropriate,” Dancer said. “Acts of terror cannot go unanswered, especially when a young life is lost.”

In New Jersey, Dancer has proposed A-328 with Assembly Republicans Mary Pat Angelini and Dave Rible, to reinstate the death penalty for those who murder a law enforcement officer, a child or commit a crime of terrorism. TLS.

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  1. Duh. Aside which, they should be tried tried as enemy combatants. Not citizens. Terrorism is an act of War & should be treated as such.

  2. I fully support Capital punishment. Timothy Mc Veigh was executed for his bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. When we catch and try this terrorist, he/she should be executed as well.

  3. The Republican Party takes a pro-life stance when it comes to abortion, but strongly favors fighting wars, hunting for sport and food, and strongly supports the death penalty.
    I have to ask this question why did we end the using of capital punishment.
    Here was what Governor Jon Corzine said
    “There were many reasons to ban the death penalty in New Jersey. It is difficult, if not impossible, to devise a humane technique of execution that is not cruel and unusual, and to develop a foolproof system that precludes the possibility of executing the innocent. New Jersey spent more than a quarter of a billion dollars to maintain its capital punishment system since 1982, even though it had not carried out a single execution for more than four decades, demonstrating little collective will or appetite to enforce this law.

    “But for me, the question was more fundamental. State-endorsed violence begets violence and undermines our commitment to the sanctity of life. We in New Jersey are proud to be the first state to prohibit the death penalty since it was permitted by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1976, and we are proud to serve as leaders on this profound issue of conscience.”

    Governor Jon Corzine
    Seton Hall Law School Symposium: Legislation, Litigation, Reflection & Repeal: the Legislative Repeal of the Death Penalty in New Jersey, Newark, New Jersey
    April 2008

    So why waste more money for a system we have not used in over four decades or more.

    My family know what it is to loss a love one to the bullet of a criminal. Patrolman Jack Wright was shot and killed while attempting to arrest two robbery suspects while off duty. He had just finished his shift and was still wearing his uniform, covered by a wind-breaker, and was picking his fiancee up at a convenience store. While inside, shortly after midnight, two suspects attempted to enter the store but began to flee when they saw Patrolman Wright.

    Patrolman Wright gave chase and caught the suspects against a car. As he began to frisk the men one of them produced a .38 caliber handgun and shot him in the chest, fatally wounding him. Both suspects were apprehended and sentenced to life. They were denied parole in 2002.

    Patrolman Wright had served with the agency for less than 1 year. He was survived by his fiancee and his parents.

  4. Let’s not forget that this heinous crime happened in arguably the most liberal State in the USA. All of a sudden the death penalty is ok for them?

  5. I have to ask why does this even matter QUOTE ” It is difficult, if not impossible, to devise a humane technique of execution that is not cruel and unusual”
    so what this bomber did to those who died & those who
    suffered severe wounds was humane ,ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!
    I say public execution of those responsible is even to kind
    lets stop treating these murderers with kid gloves and I have no problem inflicting extreme pain on those guilty

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