Assemblyman Ned Thomson Calls on his Democratic Colleagues to Revive Their Support for the Opportunity Scholarship Act and Join Him as a Sponsor

Assemblyman Ned Thomson is calling on his Democratic colleagues to join him in sponsoring bill A613, “The Opportunity Scholarship Act”, to provide much-needed tuition relief to parents of private school children through tax credits.

The Opportunity Scholarship Act establishes a pilot program in the Department of Treasury providing tax credits to taxpayers contributing to scholarships for low-income students. The bill has been introduced by Republicans in every session since 2012 with no Democratic support and is currently sponsored by Assemblymen Thomson, Kean, Webber, and Assemblywoman Munoz. Democrats had initially shown some support for the bill more than a decade ago but caved to pressure from the teachers unions and withdrew their support while Republicans have continued to champion the cause.

“For too long our parents of private school students have struggled to find a way to afford giving their children the education they believe is best for them,” said Thomson. “With the radical agenda being pushed in our public schools, we need parents to have an alternative now more than ever regardless of their income. I am calling on my Democratic colleagues to stand up to the special interests and teachers unions and join me on this legislation that can improve the lives of so many New Jerseyans.”

[Press Release]

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