Assemblyman John McKeon applauded Governor Christie’s trip abroad to build alliances with Israel and called on the Governor to help bolster Israel’s security by supporting a bipartisan measure he is sponsoring that would impose financial sanctions on Iran in an effort to stymie its nuclear capacity.
“The threat that Iran’s enrichment program poses to the prospect of long-term stability in the Middle East cannot be understated,” said McKeon (D-Essex/Morris). “One of the greatest things we can do for our ally, Israel, is to use the resources within our power to pressure those who would threaten Israel’s security, Iran being chief among them right now. The Governor’s trip shows a desire to see Israel continue to flourish and that requires a united front to face down any potential threats to our ally. This bill would help deny Iran the ability to support acts of international terrorism or to fund the development and acquisition of weapons of mass destruction and I think that’s something we should all support so I hope the Governor will sign this bill when it comes to his desk.”
McKeon’s legislation would prohibit all state and local entities from doing business with individuals or companies that engage in certain investment activities in the energy, financial or construction sectors of Iran. The bill follows the direction of the July 2010 Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act signed into law by President Obama which expressly authorizes states and local governments to prevent investment in companies operating in Iran.
Specifically, the bill would prohibit state and local contracting units, boards of education, and county colleges from contracting with individuals or entities engaged in certain investment activities in the energy, financial or construction sectors of Iran.
McKeon also sponsored a measure last year urging the federal government to utilize additional sanctions, financial divestment, and increased diplomatic pressure to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. TLS.
That is all well and good but who paid for this little quick trip for he and his family and his entourage?