PHOTOS: Askonim and officials took part this afternoon in an exclusive fundraiser luncheon event to benefit the Kollel of R’ Hertzel Hoder, father of Bnei Brak’s Foreign Affairs Commissioner R’ Eli Hoder. Also attending the event, was R’ Nachman Kletzky – father of Leiby A’H – who came from NY to show his support for R’ Eli.
At the event, a video message from Hagaon Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman was shown, in support of Bayom Hashishi.
The MC of the event was renowned Magid Shiur, Harav Eliezer Apter.
All attendees of the event, took home a crystal decanter with wine from Hagaon Rav Chaim Kanievski.
Can somebody explain the function of a “Foreign Affairs Commissioner” in B’nei Brak?
Why is Issac never invited?
#2 –
It sounds like you have an agenda……
Why don’t you ask the same about Langert? Maybe they were invited? Maybe they didn’t attend becuase of the sunshine law? Or maybe simply put, Avi Braudi doesn’t know him from a hole in the wall!
Reb Avi: Tomorrow, wine AND danishes.
Cookies, rugelech, and the occasional honeydew platter.
how can i get some of the wine
I don’t know what the point was to publicize this event at least 3 times in the Scoop. There isn’t anyone that I know that was invited to this event. It was obviously an exclusive event with massive celebrities in in the future if the event isn’t for the public and the rest of the people will only be able to drink regular kedem wine please don’t publicize. Thank You.
Sorry, we’re learning Meseches Sotah. Yazir atzmo min hayayin.
You sound tense. Come to the shiur and chill out.
Reb Avi for askan of the year!!!
THE ONLY REASON WHY IT WAS CALLED EXCLUSIVE ; because there were a group of balei batim that went to eretz yisroel with the twin city thing and r eli was very involved in helping them in every way possible
and they all showed up to show their hakoras hatov to him
Also when R apter shiur went for the yarchei kallah last yr he was exceptionally helpful and caring and a few of the participants got to know him very well
R Avi – A tzadik always besimcha
Seems stupid to me if your trying to raise money for a cause to keep it a secret so you can’t donate
Only take the money from a select few after all what would you do with all that money that the other organizations collect from the simpletons amongst us ?
#1 foreign affairs comm= PR/ connected person etc
#7)it was by no means an exclusive affair but being this mosad isnt one familiar to the public it was felt that only individuals familiar with reb eli hoder would attend hence their was no public advertisment regarding this parlor meeting
#8)reb eli hoder is an askan/baal chesed/baal tova who is the go to guy in bnei braq when needing to meet the gedolim they appreciate and respect his efforts on behalf of the tzibur hence he has an open door to all the gedolim in bnei braq
evidently he arranged for rabbi opters shiur to visit the gedolim on their winter yarche kalla trip and as hakoros hatov to him they arranged this parlor meeting on his behalf this wasnt at all a private affair
and reb eli will be more then happy to meet you and accept your check just contact reb avi braude and he’ll arrange it besuros tovos in the zechus of the chesed and tzedoka that our community generates may we all be zoche to a kesiva vachsima tova
just lost my job. any way I can get some of the wine? this is not a joke. I mean it.