Askonim Coordinate with County for Road Work to be done over Chol Hamoed [PHOTOS]

South Clifton Avenue is being repaved, and thanks to the Askonim and the County who ensured it could be done over Chol Hamoed when the roads are quieter.

“I applaud Mayor Coles and Committeeman Lichtesntein for working with the County to orchestrate major road construction to take place over Chol Hamoed when there are no school buses and traffic is relatively light,” Deputy Mayor Menashe Miller told TLS.

He added, “We even asked the County to push it off one more day so as not inconvenience all those residents traveling South Clifton Ave heading the Roberts Chol Hamoed Carnival.”

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  1. Maybe the County, while they are here, can fix Squankum road from West Kennedy to Jersey central building it is nothing but potholes

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