Ask The Candidates – Submit Your Questions

With just about 4 weeks left to election day, TLS is once again offering readers a forum to submit their questions for the Republican and Democratic candidates. Questions can be submitted on all topics and can be directed at one or all candidates. Responses from both parties will be published in the days to come.

Democratic candidates Committeeman Ray Coles and running mate Moshe Raitzik (pictured top) will face Republican candidates Deputy Mayor Steven Langert and running mate Hal Halvorsen on November 8, for the two available seats on the Township Committee.

Please submit your questions today and Thursday to [email protected].

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  1. I would want to know, is it more important to run on a platform of no new tax increases. When costs for everything has been steadily on a rise. So, is there any plans to cut staff or department capabilities when it comes down to public safety. Our town is changing and if it is not provided for it will deteriorate.

  2. This question is for all. How do we know that you will represent ALL of Lakewood, what will you do to show you will represent the minority and non-senior/jewish communitys interests?

  3. Any answers by the candidates are considered “Campaign Promises” and are not valid after election day. Therefor I would not believe anything they say.

  4. My question would be geared to Committmen Ray Coles:
    please explain why you voted the school budget down when you knew there was a surplus?

  5. to all the readers of the scoop:

    If you want a person who will watch your taxes you need to vote for Hal.
    If you want a person who will listen to your needs and not play politics you need to vote for Hal.

    This is not Hal but a person who will be voting for hal. I ask all my fellow Lakewood residents Frum and not to do the right thing for our children. Vote for Hal

  6. ha ha. I wrote you yesterday with a question for all the candidates and i would like them to respond. Broad Enterprise Activation Networks – yes or no? Will you support it or let it pass in the winds of a down economy?
    I think a candidate’s position on such matters is critical to know so we can see which passes the smell test…and which doesn’t. Thanks you scoop for your public service.

  7. Mongo brings up a good point, scoop while Broad Enterprise Activation Networks have been shown to have tremendous effects in certain areas, I wonder how he feels about the new initiative being called Fast Area Regional Technology. Do they complement each other or as some suggest just is it just a bad byproduct?

  8. I think ive had Bout enough. Stop with the questions hows about the scoop posting some answers. And what hapened to the railroad? Is that coming through? Or are we just another ridge rock?

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