PHOTO: As New Jersey’s State Senate is set to vote on a bill today to recognize same-gender marriage, residents who despise the measure boarded a bus to do something about it. A bus-load of residents are on their way to Statehouse to show their displeasure with the bill.
Although Governor Christie said he’ll veto the bill if it comes to his desk, the Governor has indicated that he would allow for the bill to be placed on November’s election ballot, a move which was criticized by supporters. TLS.
Let me be the first to ask ….. who paid for these buses?
A- Who do you think?
B- It looks like a school bus to me.
C- Who pays for school buses?
D- See #1 above.
probably the BOE
The school buses as you know are privately owned. This means anyone can rent a school bus if needed.
On another note, I believe the power of prayer will be of greater help than to waste time protesting.
There are times that call for protesting – as history shows that Gedolim did go out and protest, besides for Davening. I am just amazed that (moderated) and other organizations are quiet.
live and let live.
I admire the courage, the effort and determination by the frum community of Lakewood to stop the denigration of morals. B’vah’chah’shah, continue to do so. I’ll in any small way I can. What will happen in the future is anyone’s guess, you can sure be its not good.
I read a book from Judicia Plaza about a Rabbi Shach.
One of his many quotes was that in today’s world “good is bad and bad is good”. Same-gender marriage is only one of many symptoms of a wicked decline of morals.
A goy,
Gerry Mullen
To Gerry -We are glad to see you support the cause. It is very unfortunate that the world is heading where it is.
As you are aware a famous singer died Sat night. She was known the last few years as utterly ruining her careeer with drugs and alcohol. She is a reflection of society at large -out of control without the will to fight for the correct way just going with the flow….until.
Rabbi Shach was the leading rabbi of this generation and his loss in immensely felt.
This is one time I am in agreement with the people that went to oppose this “law”. God’s law supersedes man’s law.
is that Benny?