As July 4th Approaches, NJ State Police Warn About The Dangers Of Using, And Buying, Fireworks

fireworksThe traditions of parades, cookouts, and fireworks help us celebrate the summer season, especially our nation’s birthday on the Fourth of July. However, a joyful celebration can turn into a painful memory when children and adults are injured while using fireworks. Each year emergency rooms are full of patients who are injured by illegal fireworks, according to a press release from the New Jersey State Police. State troopers and other law enforcement officers will be enforcing the state’s laws to stem the flow of illegal fireworks into New Jersey from other states. It is a crime to sell, use, and/or possess any kind of fireworks including firecrackers, Roman candles, M80s, cherry bombs, salutes, and even sparklers in New Jersey without a valid permit. Read full story in Star Ledger.

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  1. theres the nany state for you! police police police police police everything is police cant people take responsibility for themselves without looking to everyone else to take care of you, if your not careful with fireworks and get a finger blown off well next time you’ll be more careful, howz that for personal responsibility

  2. Why can’t we celebrate the 4th of July on the 4th of July like we are supposed to? Are we not part of the United States any longer?

  3. Hey curious come purim time there are a bunch of people drunk out of their minds driving. Isn’t that illegal? Now I’m a little curious are there check points at every street corner during this time? Just wondering

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