Submitted: We are writing this letter to express our appreciation for the wonderful organization known as “Refuah Vesimchah.”
This organization facilitates delivery of life-saving medications from hard-to-reach places all over the world.
We have a teenage daughter with a complicated condition, and our doctor strongly recommended a certain medication. The doctor informed us that this drug is extremely expensive in the U.S. – around $2,000 per month – but in Canada and India it can be procured at a much more reasonable price. But this left us in a quandary – how in the world were we to get the medicine from these countries?!
The doctor gave us some websites to try, but nothing was working for us. Often we were told the medicine is back-ordered and they don’t know when it will be in stock. So we were really stuck but were desperate for the medicine.
Fortunately, a friend noticed an article in The Lakewood Scoop about the above-mentioned Refuah Vesimchah and how they helped people get life-saving medication. The friend reached out to Reb Baruch Dvorkas, director of operations in the US and Canada, who immediately swung into action.
We first contacted him on Feb 9, and within a few days he sent us pictures of a few choices from India which were very reasonably priced. We checked with the doctor to make sure it was the right medication, and Reb Dvrokas got right to work.
About a week later, he texted that the medicine had been purchased in India and had been sent to Israel. The medicine was then brought from Israel to Monsey, and on Feb 23rd it arrived in Lakewood. When Reb Dvorkas informed me of this, we offered to come pick it up from him, but he insisted on bringing it himself – He said that he always does a job all the way.
Sure enough, later that day, Reb Dvorkas shows up at our front door with the long-awaited medicine. We tried to pay him for it, but he refused to take any payment.
All we can say is “mi ke’amcha Yisrael” seeing how Jews from all over the world helped out to make this happen, strangers who don’t even know us but who nevertheless made time in their day and travels to help a fellow Jew. It gave us much needed chizuk during this lonely and difficult challenge.
And of course our most profound thanks to Refuah Vesimchah for arranging everything in an expeditious and speedy manner, and for being so generous and going above and beyond to help us with our needs. May this very special organization continue to bring much healing and joy to all of Klal Yisrael.
Thanks also to the Scoop for also being part of this chessed by advertising and spreading awareness of this and so many other chesed organizations.
beautiful. we are so blessed. Thank You, Hashem
Baruch, you’re the man