The Siyum LIVE! Is geared up to be the most exciting event since The Siyum. This Motzei Shabbos right here on the Lakewood Scoop we will celebrate the completion of Maseches Brachos and the start of Shabbos together with Klal Yisrael. If you are one the tens of thousands now learning Daf Yomi, this is an offer for you. Take a short oral bechina on Mesechtas Brachos from some of today’s leading Magidei Shiur and you can win an Artscroll Shas iPad, sponsored by The Lakewood Scoop.
What better way to show the world that you didn’t just sleep through a 5 a.m. shiur or listen to Sruly Borenstein on 2x speed, but you actually learned Brachos?
If you are up for the challenge, email your name, how/where you learn the Daf (Which shiur? With a Chavrusa? Etc.) and your contact info to [email protected], and you may be from the lucky few chosen for this awesome opportunity.