Appeals Court Rejects Bid To Block Teen Drivers Decal Law, Stickers To Go On Sale Monday

teen driver decal 2The state Appellate Division of Superior Court has denied a motion to delay Kyleigh’s Law from taking effect on May 1, according to the Rockaway attorney seeking to overturn the decal requirement. Attorney Gregg Trautmann of Rockaway, who is appealing a Superior Court judge’s March dismissal of his lawsuit last month, said the appellate division also rejected his request for an accelerated appeal. The denials effectively removed the last remaining legal hurdles that could have prevented Kyleigh’s Law taking effect next month.

The new law requires holders of Graduated Driver Licenses — primarily teenagers — to affix detachable decals to their front and rear license plates. It will apply to any new motorist with either a special learner’s permit, examination permit or provisional drivers license, all of which come with restrictions — such as on the number of passengers allowed in a car and the hours during which a licensee can drive.

Trautmann, representing his teenage son and nephew as plaintiffs, went to court in Morristown last month in an unsuccessful effort to have Kyleigh’s Law declared unconstitutional.

He said on Thursday that his appeal will continue. Priced at $4 per pair, the decals will be available at Motor Vehicle Commission offices starting Monday. APP

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  1. I don’t rhink it is a good idea because I usually drive my parents car an now when they drive it the police will think that they are a teenager lol

  2. This is profiling! Anyone who sees this decal will automatically be looking for the driver to be doing something wrong. This is why we can’t do this in this country. It’s unlawful to label someone before an action is done.

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