Another Major Storm Heads Toward NJ, Beginning Tonight

storm south lakeAnother strong, slow-moving storm is taking aim at New Jersey. Forecasters say rains associated with the complex system should start falling by early Sunday night and continue off and on through late Tuesday. Most areas will see about 2 to 4 inches of rain, which could be heavy at times, but as much as 6 inches is possible in some locations. The National Weather Service has issued a flood watch for most of New Jersey, which will be in effect from late Sunday night through Tuesday afternoon. The heavy rains — when combined with the already high streams and rivers and saturated soil caused by the numerous nor’easters that hit the state this year — could cause flooding, especially at small creeks, rivers and areas with poor drainage. AP

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  1. Please take this storm seriously. The National Weather Service is now forcasting up to 6 inches of rain for Lakewood. If these amounts were to verify, with the current high groundwater levels following the last storm, damaging floods will likely result. Lake Carasaljo would flood South Lake Drive, and the surrounding homes. Basements throughout town would experience widespread flooding. Let us hope that these rainfall amounts do not verify.

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