An Inspiring Song: ‘Their Legacy’ | Sung by R’ Binyomin Lehmann, Composed by Yitzy Waldner, Lyrics by Miriam Israeli, Produced by Doni Gross

[Submitted] ‘Their Legacy’ portrays the mesiras nefesh our grandparents had in the tough time of yesteryear. Let them be a continued inspiration to us.

Sung by R’ Binyomin Lehmann.

Composed by Yitzy Waldner.

Lyrics by Miriam Israeli.

Produced by Doni Gross.


Low 1
It was a time, that-was buried in the dark.
It was a time, as silent as the night.
But the light inside, was-never-gone
Emunah-kept, you-going-on
Like a torch…burning till today.
Low 2
It was a time, of hunger-war-and-pain
And it seemed, you-never-would-go-home
But you dreamed, someday-the-war-would-end,
You prayed…, that-you-would-live-again
Chorus 1
There-were-many, who-were-taken
And the few who survived
Zaidy-Bubby,-you-did-more-than, just-stay-alive
You rebuilt your home, and you built ours too
Everything-we-do, is-all-because-of-you
Chorus 2
You faced the challenge, and you didn’t give in
If-not-for-your-Emunah, where-would-we-all-have-been
זדים הליצוני, עד מאוד, ומתורתך, לא נטיתי –
Low 3
You-dared-to-send, your-children-off-to-learn
Though-you-faced, an-empty-silent-home
Because-you-knew, that-it-was, worth-the-cost
To-restore-the-glory, that-was-lost
To-ignite, the-flame-within-our-soul
Low 4
You-didn’t-speak, of-what-had-gone-before
You-chose-to-act, and-that’s-what-said-it-all
We-hope-to-make-you, proud-of-us
The-generations-coming, out-of-us
Will-have-a-part, of-you-forever-more
Chorus 1
There-were-many, who-were-taken
And the few who survived
Zaidy-Bubby,-you-did-more-than, just-stay-alive
You rebuilt your home, and you built ours too
Everything-we-do, is-all-because-of-you
Chorus 2
You faced the challenge, and you didn’t give in
If-not-for-your-Emunah, where-would-we-all-have-been
זדים הליצוני, עד מאוד, ומתורתך, לא נטיתי –
Fast Chorus 1
May-we-all-be-zocheh, to-continue-your-ways
You-defined-a-life, על קידוש השם – –
We’ll-tell-your-tale, again-and-again
Chorus 2
You faced the challenge, and you didn’t give in
If-not-for-your-Emunah, where-would-we-all-have-been
זדים הליצוני, עד מאוד, ומתורתך, לא נטיתי –
Chorus 3
Every-Shabbos-Yom tov, every-day-of-our-lives
It’s-because-of-you, that-our-yiddishkeit-thrives
It’s-the-legacy, you-left-your-family
ומתורתך, לא נטיתי
לא לא, לא נטיתי –

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