We caught up with…
Rabbi Avrohom Waxman, Director of Development | Hatzolah Central Jersey
Why is the $1 A DAY campaign so vital?
Rabbi Waxman: In an emergency, the community relies on Hatzolah, and Hatzolah is always there. While Hatzolah is synonymous with responding to emergencies, it’s much more than that. Just knowing that Hatzolah is a mere phone call away provides us all with a sense of calmness and security, 24/7/365. Thus, supporting Hatzolah with just $1 A DAY helps us to continue these vital services – BASIC LIFE SUPPORTIFE SUPPORT.
This $1 A DAY Tomeich Campaign is what makes it happen. This is the campaign that funds Hatzolah for the entire year. There is nothing more important than life itself and that’s what being a Tomeich Hatzolah is all about. It’s not just a donation to an organization – it’s BASIC LIFE SUPPORT.
Why is this basic life support?
Rabbi Waxman: Hatzolah of Central Jersey utilizes the most advanced, state of the art equipment. To remain on the cutting edge of basic life support, constant maintenance and upkeep of our apparatus is crucial. Did you know that an Epipen costs over $400 per set? Multiply that by almost 200 members!
Skyrocketing insurance costs, maintaining our software system, radio towers, and dispatch technology add up to astronomical sums. As our kehillah continues to rapidly grow, the expenses continue to escalate.
Why is the $1 A DAY Tomeich Campaign at this time of year when people are so busy?
Rabbi Waxman: When the sifrei chaim v’sifrei meisim are pesuchin lefanav what better way to merit chaim than by demonstrating that there is nothing more valuable than a life? When we had the zechus of visiting the Gedolei Haposkim in Eretz Yisrael, we asked Hagaon HaRav Moshe Sternbuch Shlit”a and others what we should tell people regarding donating to Hatzloah over other tzedakos. He responded very strongly that nothing comes before supporting Hatzolah. Hatzolah saves lives. It’s BASIC LIFE SUPPORT.
It’s so important for us to give you the opportunity to gain this zechus at this awesome time of year. Imagine that during neilah when our gzar din for the entire year is being sealed, you hear the siren of an ambulance r”l, or a Hatzolah member from your shul running out to respond to a call – you’re a partner in the mitzvah of hatzalas nefashos. A whole year, you’ll be a partner in all 18,000+ calls. What better way to enter the Yomim Noraim?
What is the money raised used for?
Rabbi Waxman: The money from the Tomeich campaign is used for the day-to-day operating expenses of Hatzolah. Ambulance and garage maintenance, medical supplies, lifepaks, defibrillators, insurances, gas, upkeep, training, and the list goes on and on. The cost of basic life support has reached more than $3 million this past year alone. The Rosh HaYeshiva Rav Shneur zt”l felt that this is a chiyuv on each and every individual in the community to take part in. This is not your average fundraiser; this is the most critical need that our community has.
Why are you asking for $1 A DAY?
Rabbi Waxman: Because we operate day in, day out, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The need is daily; actually, every minute of every day. We need everyone to commit to at least $1 A DAY, every single day.
When it comes to the safety and well-being of our families we won’t accept anything less than what Hatzolah provides. Can we allow the response time to go up? Can we allow members to be ill-equipped? Can we neglect to maintain the ambulances? Of course not!
People approach me all the time after they’ve used Hatzolah’s services. They regret not having done enough to support Hatzolah beforehand. They didn’t realize what Hatzolah actually does until unfortunately they experienced it firsthand.
In the zechus of supporting Hatzolah and its BASIC LIFE SUPPORT, may we all be zoche to a gut gebentshed yuhr and a kesiva vichasima tova.
It’s not just a donation, it’s basic life support. Donate here.
hatzolahcj.org or call 732-458-7999 24/6
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